Flushing with ice water to increase trichomes

Saw this on Instagram where this grower flushes his grow using ice water when they go into there 48hr darkness to shock plants and increase trichomes I’ve tried splitting stems that I learned from here and noticed a difference doing side/side of 2 plants looked on the tube,web not much info and the fact I haven’t heard of it on here makes me wonder what u guys think


Yes man :face_with_monocle:

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This idea would be effective, I’m pouring ice water into the station about every 3 days and the flowers do it well but with the ice it looks very good


User name checks out, @iceberg ! This is interesting. And it kinda makes sense, too. Think of the plant in nature. When the days are getting shorter, and the plant is flowering, finishing up, it’s getting colder outside. Depending on the latitude, maybe really cold. Very interesting!


Hmm… interesting idea. Shocking the plant makes it protect by producing more trichromes? Sort of makes sense, same concept as pissing it off during flower with uvb.
So, have you found any other specifics on this? for instance, the pic shows plants in fabric pots with a layer of ice on top of the grow medium, how is that ice there, just placed onto the dirt? left over from pouring ice water? place the ice first and pour water through it? you know, stuff like that…
btw, Damn, those are some fine looking buds in that pic and after looking I wonder, did that grower let the first 5 or 6 nodes keep their branches and then topped the plant and the branches?? no under-growth at all, and looks like the only leaves left are the sugar leaves in the bud sites? look’s like each plant is producing about 20 buds?
Man, their is a lot of technique in that picture.
or maybe I am just smoking some good weed
Cool pic.


Not sure if being so cold really does anything to help the production… but I would think that letting ice sit on top of the soil will certainly drown the roots… I have read where certain fruit farmers do something similar to there trees before harvest… not to do with ice … but basically before they harvest they drowned the roots to start the fermentation process sooner …
I will do more research on this and maybe try this on one of my harvests just to see what happens… :wink:



It will be a month every 2 to 3 days to pour ice water into the nutriens reservoir and then to the roots, but to one hundred percent here I noticed that the flowers do it very well, the whole trichom and health, the clear ice will be 2 days before the finish , anyway I think it works well and the results …,



So are you saying that you do this 2 days before harvest?
Also it looks like your growing in some sort of hydro… would like to see more pics of your set up…?
So those pics are 3 days apart ?
It looks like it caused the tricomes to amber quickly… I can see a big difference between pictures… :wink:



No no, the difference in photos is one month, two days before harvest I pour ice on the stem, and the moon I add every two or three days completely cold water gallon to the roots and gallon into the tank with nutriens

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And I’m in the water so …, look at the aquaponics I have



So your pots are sitting inside of a bucket that your using as a resovior?
Do you ever have problems with algae?


But I did not have it at the beginning

These are the rdwc systems with built in chiller that I build and use for flowering… :wink:



These are the results… :wink:



Wow ice water and split stem haven’t tried both

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The inspiration I have from you is this one: wink:


You have it too nice to see that you are a pro: to blink:


Here’s the result of the experiment: wink:


Splitting the stem and ice :snowflake: