First time using a 4x4 grow tent

Can anybody help me out I have a 4x4 grow tent and lm going to use 3 viparspectra xs2000 led lights is that 2much light for the 4x4 area


Two should work

Ok but i already have 3 xs2000 would that be to much

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No…but use the photone app or a quantum meter to track your DLI.

You set your height above canopy…then measure the light and adjust brightness…until you get the proper DLI.

You’re very welcome…anytime!

Im not to good at this write i made a mistake and deleted my post my badd but thanks for the info

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560 watts would be the minimum I would use :love_you_gesture:

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Two aren’t enough, I’d use all three but you will probably never need to run them all at 100%, which is fine.

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Thanks will do

Thanks for the info

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Anytime Grow Bro, I run 40-50 watts per square foot of grow space with a quality fixture and prefer using several lights versus 1. Multiple lights give the benefit to adjust each light according to the individual plants growth. Some will be short or others taller throughout the grow :love_you_gesture:

Use all 3. I am using 3 HLG lights in my 4Ă—4 around 760 watts and i have 3 plants flowering right now. I have them dimmed down to 75% and i am getting great coverage and DLI.
It won’t be too much. You get overlap also, by using more than one light, which increases the spectrum all over the canopys.

What they said. Always better to have too much than not enough and dial it down a bit.