First time growing ever

Do you have cal mag? Cal mag usually has nitrogen at about 4% so if you go a 6 ml gal cal mag with that u should be ok but u dont want to rob your strech and strech is a cal mag nitrogen combo really that’s when they consume most of that after strech keep the cal mag going and drop to just bloom nutes and what ever amendments you have for flower

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I do not right now but I should have some coming.

It’s not that big of a deal but next time feed fullnstength veg through strech if your feeding full strength then lay off grow them up the bloom… alot of 3 pset systems i the the same company with trio packs like grow bloom micro just change the ratios if those 3 in a basic feeding schedule but there are countless additives at some being cheap some bei g expensive but nessecarry to grow good weed instead of just weed… more thought and better conditions result in better weed …first. runs are hard to hit on the head but googmd Gene’s good soil and good ph can grow some good weed dont get me wrong but u do nee to feed something

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I have some composted chicken manure I could use for nitrogen.

No u dont wanna add a slow release nitrogen into the mix maybe last weak you coulda top dressed with it but I’d lay off it now and just stick with what ur doing what kinda soik u got going again in sorry

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Maybe a small amount worked into the top eith your fingers just very little… did you have it in there from n n the beginning

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No I didnt put it in there when i started, the soil is a mixture of potting soil mixed with super soil that my uncle had made a while ago. I had put osmocoat plus smart release in at the beginning but pulled as much as possible out of it and replaced it with regular potting soil. Could i make a tea with it and water with the tea? Would that be a more direct way of using it?

I’m sure if you do a quick steep you can leach minimal nitrogen but chicken manure is considered very hot in N so the longer you let sit the more nitrogen steep so a quick half hour wash in warm water and strain… if you have a tds meter test ppms uf your in the 1000s cut it with water and get it down to about your waters tds plus about 200 to to 250 and water with that for a nitrogen addition be careful tho if you dont have a meter I have no idea to eyeball that

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Ok cool I will do some more reading on it and give it a shot.

The longer u let it soak the higher the ppm if nitrogen will be so keep that in mind if you dobt have a tds meter… do you have one… if you do… test your water prior to adding manure strain it in 15 mins test it see if it rises fast and d
Go from there

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I do have one and my water is around 125 ppm from the filter. I am going to try it out.

Ok so I just bought another filter so it should be at 0 ppm, and I found some 12/4/8 liquid feed will that work?

You dont want 0 20 to 30 is low enough mine gets to 14 to 18 and that’s pretty low a little ph up or down goes aloooot farther…the water before the filter was 289 I was using like 100ml of down to go down from a 8.1 to 6.5

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Ok it was at 35-40 when I filled my water canister.

Well i fed them again with the 12/4/8, we will see what that does.

I see pistils :grin:

12-4-8 is perfect for the transition. And 1-7-6 sounds great for flower :+1:t5:

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Ok so I noticed that after I turn my lights off my plants are getting super droopy and they perk back up about an hour before the lights come back on. Anyone have any experience with this.

Yup. About an hour before lights out, plants know its time for bed. So they droop. Then before lights on they are stirring. Just like other living organisms. We get our biological timeclocks set and rock with it