First time grower- Lights on or off?

This is my first Attempt at growing, I germinated my seeds and they’ve popped up. I currently have them inside in a temperature controlled office, with a vivosun light , 24” above the plants :seedling:. I have also set them outside in natural sunlight daily. It’s been 4 days since they popped up out of the soil, does this look normal ? Should I adjust my light schedule?


Looking great Grow Bro, keep in mind it’s very easy to drown the seedlings with overwatering. Keep them domed with an RH of 65-75%, I do this by misting the bottom and top of the dome. Today makes day 5 above ground on 4 I have and just watered them for the 1st time…a shot glass or 2 of water every 4th day or so with misting in between. Will these be grown indoors or out :love_you_gesture:


I haven’t watered them in a couple days , I usually cover them with ziplock bags at night to keep the moisture in (see attached picture) but will start watering them every few days. I was going to grow them outside once I reach week 4. Again any tips or tricks will be appreciated


I stick with hydro, so no help from me.
Just stopped in to say Welcome Aboard!
You’ve come to the right place! :+1: :grin:


Outside growing is rough as you’re at the mercy of Mother Nature and all her elements/bugs but can definitely be beneficial.

I would recommend checking out these members threads regarding outdoor growing. There are many more but I have been following these ones closely.

Good luck on your journey, I’ll be following along.


Those bags will work, make sure you have a few holes in the bottom of the solo cups. Not sure if your location but you might not have enough time to finish these before winter frost sets in. I guestimate 8-10 weeks from flower to harvest on Indica and Indica dominant hybrids and 10-12 weeks on Sativas and Sativa dominant hybrids :love_you_gesture:


Cool I was worried the bags wouldn’t work. I do have several holes in the bottom of my cups for drainage.


Ok so I’m new new to this . Lol should I leave the bags on them all the time or only at night ? I have so many questions :thinking::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:


Remove daily for fresh air and to re-mist the inside of the bags then cover them. I do this in the morning and evenings :love_you_gesture:


Got it ! Makes Sense , thank you !