theres brown spots that appeared on my plants leaves. these plants are about a week or two old, the growth has seemed pretty slow and stunted. the plants were definitely overwatered while very young, one plant looks fine except the first two leaves are yellow on both plants. on one plant, the biggest two leaves turned splotchy and brown. theyre dry and hard to the touch and are brittle and will crack apart. is this from overwatering or something else? right now i have one small florencent grow lamp over both plants but will soon upgrade to a 300w LED. Both have been grown indoors, one seems mostly healthy but the other seems like its about to die. please help asap, the seeds are feminized ak47 (non-autoflower). not sure how to add pictures from my phone but can reply with them as soon as i figure out hoe
@tk4599 welcome to ilgm!
We are going to need to see some pictures of the issue.
I will get you a support ticket unless you can find it yourself by searching the forum and then we can go from there.
When you post from the smartphone there is a small upload in the right corner. Click upload and navigate to the picture you want to upload. If you get a size error, crop the photo first before uploading.
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Any update on this Iām having the same issue 1 week in. Mine are outside though and it has been very humid.
this is a dead topic @CarLuvR54