They are bigger than they appear then. Shouldn’t be a problem.
They look great and after knowing the size I think you did a great job.
Sweet build! I’ll take one 31” x 38”
Looking great! Love the net!!
Looks good to me, should serve you well.
Looks great! What size are the squares in the net? Might be a little on the small size but will work.
Now it’s time to fill it up!!
@AfgVet 2.5"x2.5"
@Nicky thank you for the vote of confidence!
@OGIncognito what size do you want the holes? What wood do you want it made out of?
@dbrn32 if anything I can just make another one after this grow and make the holes larger next time.
Appreciate your generosity brother, I was more impressed with your skills! Thanks for the offer
Anytime you change your mind… Let me know,. I’ve got a bunch of extra wood from tables and chairs I’ve made… Mostly walnut and maple, however I do have fancy wood as well… Purpleheart and canarywood.
Just got my second tent in… Why is it so much larger than the AC Infinity?!? This is gonna be batshit crazy!!!
@Low I’ll be making the ScrOG net for the new one this weekend!!
Oh ok, that’s not bad. Guess they just look smaller in the pic
I’ve heard that from two people now… Is it a similar thing like with tiny hands? Makes everything look bigger? But the opposite
@AfgVet what size are your ScrOG nets??
Thanks Brother, time to fill the new tent
Your going to want the height.
I have to agree with @dbrn32 and @AfgVet for the hole sizes. Those will work. But if you were closer to 4" you wouldn’t have to worry about many buds growing into them. Mine are movable. But I have my bamboo set at 4". That allows me to cut a branch at harvest time and just pull it through the scrog. Some thing like that should keep you from having to cut the lines on your scrog each grow. If you don’t mind re stringing it each time. I would probably do the next at 3 1/2" - 4" if it were mine. The main issue I see with small squares would be it is a lot easier to break branches when you go to try and tuck them under. It looks great though What will you be uing for the legs?
My frames are 26” x 26”, I went with those dimension only due to the room size.
The holes are 3” if I remember correctly
Alright time for an update!! Going to be feeding all of the ladies water only till their runoff numbers die down a bit… But, can’t give an update without showing the ladies/daily environment?
Nice update, all looking healthy!
Great looking ladies
Looking awesome