First Time Grow Looking for tips pls :)

Some folks spray their plants, I just use a shot glass to water them once a day in my small clay pots if the soil is dry on top. In my opinion I don’t think you have to worry as much about overwatering if you decide to switch from spraying to measured watering. Your pots are huge and appear well draining. I do have my fluorescent lights much closer to my plants though, which may dry my soil faster. They aren’t hot per se but they do keep it warm. And the discoloration is pretty normal. During seedling stage the new leaves will be lighter.

Spraying your plants IMHO is pointless and a good way to burn them if you spray with lights on. The water sitting on the leaves acts as a magnifying glass.

Also, I recommend you use distilled water for your humidifier if you can afford it. Using tap water in the humidifier will lead to minerals in the vapor, which can leave residue on anything the vapor touches. I have the same model in black. Has left minerals all over the intake of my tent and clogged my in line filter pre-filter very quickly.

The black portion was the original color.

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Once I read the instructions for the humidifier I made sure to only put distilled water in it because of the residue it says it will leave behind. I’ll make sure to start spraying just the soil and try to avoid the plant itself. I had no idea about the magnifying on water on the plant. Over the last 10 hours they have really sprouted. I was pleasantly surprised.

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They are gonna be leaping now :grin:

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Polling is Open for October 2021 Bud of the Month

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How often were you watering yours? And were you just spraying the base of the plant when you watered them?

I water close to plants for the first couple days to help the root but then I water a ring around the seedling about 1” away from the stem. Increasing the ring as the plant grows. In the first week or so I water a very small amount (half a shot glass) everyday, the a whole shot every day. Now at 5 weeks or so they get a 1-1 1/2 c of water in a ring on the very edge in the pot every day or two. When they get transplanted (probably will start next week) I water until the plant drains then let it dry out for a day or two (three if soil isn’t still wet). I have not sprayed my plants during any stage. The bright light will act like a magnifying lens with water droplets.

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I flush my seedling super soil with 2% H²O², then drop seed in. In soil/coco I use 1tsp of organic granular per gallon of soil.

You always want to water away from the stem. Put a ring around the plant with water outside of the fan leaves. You would not want to water a seedling that size everyday. It looks really wet already. What they need is some clear plastic domes back on to keep humidity up as most of the water is absorbed through leaves for a period of time. You can mist the done if it seems dry but overwatering will kill your plant every time. Something that small could go 3-4 days without needing any water. I agree with @Dankloud spraying the leaves under the direct light is asking for light burn.


I’ve been making sure to water away from the stems. I also have my Poland spring bottles over them as well. Pretty soon though they will be to tall so ill have to take them off. As far as light strength should I still keep it on 25% with the dimmer on? The sprouted 3 days ago and ive been worried about during the dimmer off to soon.


Pictures, we need pictures. Please sir may I have some more? it’s been daaaays. :pleading_face:

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Sure thing sorry about the wait :slight_smile:


Thank you. :smiley:
Those are stretching a lot. You need to either turn the light up full or drop it lower and turn it up a little bit.
Probably wouldn’t hurt to remove the labels from the bottles too.

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I just removed the labels and I dropped the light down around 6 inches. I also turned the light up to 40% with the dimmer off still. Do you think I should increase to 50% or is 40% fine for now?


:+1:See how they react to that. A little at a time is best.

Out of likes but glad to see you got the bottles in there. I agree with @HMGRWN drop that light a little or turn it up to help control the stretch. Looking good bro :sunglasses:

When you guys say control the stretch what does that mean? Will stronger light make it straighten ?

Your little sprouts are growing too tall seeking more light. If they get too tall and spindly, they will fall over and die. Lowering the light or raising the intensity gives them the light they crave and they can focus on vegetation.
You may have to give them a little support to keep them upright.

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That makes a lot of sense. I think ill use some twist ties to make sure they stay upright. At this rate they wont last much longer under the bottles. I think dropping the light 6 inches last night and raising the % to 40 helped when I checked on them.


Do you think twist ties would do or do you suggest something else? I will be trying to do LST once that time comes as well to help with the grow yields.

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