This is my first grow with Photo seeds. Roots with Autos did not go well for me. This is a pic of germinated seed. already looking bad. I have been using a dome. Took that off not sure its a good idea to use. After a few tries here getting frustrated. Thanks in advance for any help ladies and gentlemen
Like @Bubblehead said, I would have to agree with all above. Slow your roll with the water. Also like @Covertgrower stated, I can’t tell whether or not that is part of the seed shell or some potting soil that appears on the lower right of the seedlings head.
Thanks Im gonna not water my next sprout till I see leaves growing well. I lost my very first one do to a combo of over watering and one said not strong enough light. i went out and bought a cob led but not a chance to use it yet cause i haven’t been able to get to veg mode:-(
Thanks Im gonna not water my next sprout till I see leaves growing well. I lost my very first one do to a combo of over watering and one said not strong enough light. i went out and bought a cob led but not a chance to use it yet cause i haven’t been able to get to veg mode:-(.
Also I just came back with a bag of Happy Frog basic potting soil. Garden store said not HOT like FFOF. fingers crossed. Gonna use a jiffy starter this time also.
If your soil is super wet, you may need to surgically remove the plant from it and place it into new soil. Its pretty dangerous but doable. You dont need to be so heavy on the water.
One way to achieve this is to remove the entire contents dirt and all and place it on a rubbermaid lid. Take water and gently wash all the dirt away from the root its a slow process. Then transplant the seedling into pre moistened soil. The idea is to take a volume of soil and slowly mix water to it while hand mixing it until it feels hardly damp, more of a humid feeling. Once the seedling is planted in this, Ideally not HOT seedling mix it should not need any watering until the first set of true leaves is fully established and the next set is starting to grow. Then water with a few ml around the dripline. Remember that the soil is already charged with moisture below so dont water to run off! Just a few ml of water.
My seedlings are 6 days from sprout and other than dampening the soil prior to dropping the seeds, I have not watered at all. I keep the environment inside the dome very humid and temps around 84-85
Like @AfgVet said, at this point humidity is key. Your seedlings are drawing moisture from the air until it’s able to use its root system which it’s trying to establish right now. A transplant into drier soil will work wonders, I’ve been there and done that . Lift it out, move it into a slightly bigger pot and the drier compost will draw the excess water away from the root. That way you’re keeping the root disturbance to a minimum as well
Hey Ive got an upage. Im now into see 7. First 5 autos did not go well. The first one was coming along well when I drowned it. I now have as mentioned above two photo seeds that have roots. The first one referenced above has shed the shell but no leaves opening:-( That one sprouted Sunday the 26th.The second one has a nice tap root but full shell seed sitting on it. Dark as can be. I switched to Photo period due to the recommendation they were more resilient. No green thumb here apparently:-(
Two photos for an update. i have attached two pictures below.
Grow 1 started germination on January 22. it sprouted on 1/26 the current photo is of today February 5th I have used water sparingly have cfl lights on them both 18/6. This is nuts
Grow 2 I started germination on 1/30. as of today there is a root just a tap root but the shell has not opened and its basically playing dead!
I went to a neutral soil, ph adjusted water of 6.5. Ive added domes but that doesn’t seem to be helping.
so far Ive been advised on the forum I am doing the right thing but this is very frustrating.