Just want some input!

Just wanna see what everyone thinks! It looks good to me but I know more experienced people might be able to tell me any issues just by looking at it. Today is day 23 since it was a seed. I’ve feed twice now with fox farm nutrients and I think it’s doing amazing! Water ph I keep around 6.0ph. Any tips or tricks would be amazing thanks again!


Looks great to me! Keep’em growin and good luck! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Welcome @Martin32122 to the forum
Fill out this form and we can all follow along. Its looking great so far.

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you aew not sure, just bring it to oue attention. We will figure it out.

  1. Indoor or outdoor? - size of grow?
  2. Origin of seeds?
  3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower?
  4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water?
  5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution?
  6. Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain.
  7. Nutrients or fertilizer system used.
  8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate.
  9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night?
  10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night?
  11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
  12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"?
  13. Co2 Yes / No?
  14. How long have you been growing?
  15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully?
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Welcome to The forum she looks great keep up the good work, if in soil the pH should be 6.5

  1. Indoor or outdoor? Indoor grow - size of grow? 1plant

  2. Origin of seeds? Wedding cake small bud from dispensary

  3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower? I’m unsure do to coming from bud.

  4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water? Distilled water ph 6.5

  5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution? Unknown

  6. Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain. Fox farm happy frog soil.

  7. Nutrients or fertilizer system used.
    Fox farm nutrients kit

  8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate. Bestva 600watt (125 actual watts) x3 total of 375 actual watts.

  9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night? 78-80 during the day and 68-70 during night.

  10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night? 75%

  11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? Ac in room. Humidifier inside tent. No de humidifier

  12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"?
    10” exhaust fan

  13. Co2 Yes / No? No?

  14. How long have you been growing? New

  15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully? 300$


Welcome to the community ! you’re off to a good start . stick around we are glad to have you.

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Welcome to ILGM forum. Looking good :+1: You may want to raise water ph going in to 6.5


Looking good :+1: you’re doing a great job. Welcome :pray:t2:

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Welcome to the community. I believe your girls look really good. Happy growing :blush::v:

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Welcome to the community. Please raise the pH going in at 6.5 and the plant will respond better.

This is Fox Farms feeding schedule for soil. :+1:

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Do you plan to top or do any LST? And like the others said raise your PH to 6.5 and make sure you get runoff every time you water to keep it in check.


Welcome to the community. Like the others have said. Looking good.

Welcome 2 the community and your lady really looks good and healthy

Yes just not sure when to start and how……

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I usually top at the 5th node. And as far as LST goes you can start that now or wait a little longer. Depends on how hard you want to go with it. Many techniques and ways to go about it.

So how would I begin? Where do I tie and do I slowly bring it down or? I’m very new to all this. Definitely a learning curve for me because everyone has there own ways of making perfection!

1 Like


You can start now. Your goal is to let the side branches get plenty of light. Once you have established nice branching then you want to continue to tie the branches down so your keeping a even canopy. Having a even canopy will make your life a whole lot easier.

Looks good. I would start some LST. This looks like a great time for that.

Lst is very fun and can be rewarding.