First grow since 1981

Continuing the discussion from First time grower! Male, female, or too early to tell?ss

I found seeds in purchase, 4 seeds. 2 germinated one survived. Its a miniature, about 6 weeks old. Are all miniatures autoflowering?
Lastly will bell pepper plants growing 2 to 3 feet harm my baby?

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Nope, not all. Autoflower doesn’t really have anything to do with plant size, the growing period is just limited.

You mean 2-3’ away? Not to my knowledge, but I haven’t ever tried either.

no worries about the miniature…it’s growing.

pepper plants shouldn’t cause problems. but you could plant more MJ plants instead.


Welcome to the forum brother ! You will find helpful ,friendly and eager to teach friends here who are just a tag away if you need us ! Just you the @ and the persons name next to it and we will get back to you ! Happy growing man . As for the miniature …nope , nothing wrong with the plant , just a growing plant . Peppers will be fine . Ill be following your grow if you dont mind , hope to see some pics soon ! Have a good one man !

I thought like you that the plants would be small. Man I got a nice surprise and I’m gonna share a glimpse of it with you in the next couple of pictures. Welcome to the forum


I think that I may have misunderstood your post as it’s not written very well. Autoflowering Cannabis can be “miniature”. The ruderalis genetics that were used to create the new autoflowers are typically miniatures. Most of the new line of autoflowers are not miniatures but some are compared to other Cannabis such as lowryder. I hope this helps clear things up and you enjoy your grow :+1:

Thanks so much. I will be ordering seeds from ILGM soon. I’ve not been this excited in years. My son gave me a grow light so I will be growing in an extra bedroom in the future.

The knowledge from these forums are invaluable to me as a new grower!

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Thank you all for the friendly and helpful post.
I will send pics soon.

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@stonedagain2 Those are beautiful plants. I believe with knowledge found here and hard work I one day will post beautiful pics too.

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suggest you cruise tru the seed selector function here and consider an easy to grow, established strain that is short, quick growing and have fun with it.
keep in mind…plants have to have plenty of strong light to be healthy…

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Thanks for the advise. I will be looking for that exact discription to get started. Having fun comes easy to me with growing.
Should be able to order seeds next week.

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Mine fit that description and they’re white widow auto flower. Growing in bubblers is very little work and it’s really basic stuff. Especially with all the good people here wanting to help out. Lots of knowledgeable people here and that’s for certain. Read up on lights and ask people here questions before spending a bunch of money. Lots of BS out there so ask. I’m old school and use hps because I’m familiar with them. Most people here are using newer technology. Good luck and enjoy your grow :+1:

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