Well germ was fine, first stages of veg were really good, however the more i tried to keep an eye on things the worse they got, all yellowish, no idea why, 3 month on autos, nothing flowering, cant seem to get any concrete answers or real assistance, just bits and pieces which seem more dangerous than no knowledge and just sticking em in dirt. Absolutely disgusted.
They look pretty good here what’s up with em?
Any time i water they turn yellow, nutes or no nutes
Very frusterated
Ppms about 760, ph is 6 going in and coming out
Anytime i water, nutes or no nutes , they get yellow, 3 gal bags, water to runoff, ppms 740-760, ph 6 going in and coming out, temp controlled at 78 degrees, 65% humidity, going on 3 months, had beginning signs of flower but stopped. Using general hydro nutes 1/2 strength, no nutes every 3rd water.
Sorry are these autos? Seems like you could be a little higher in PPMs also that humidity needs to come down to 50ish. Does that nute line up have Cal/Mag? PH is a little high for what I aim for in Coco. I stay right at 6.8. Sometimes it’s good to let it flux back in forth as long as it’s in range 5.5 to 6.0. That way the plants are able to uptake all the nutrients.
Do you have current pics? The ones in the thread that @Jbum posted look to have iron deficiencies. Are you using any treatment on your water? Like a water conditioner or de-chlorinator
This is what mine looked like with an iron deficiency. Is this what you’re seeing?
Try watering with a water of 6.5ph. Thats optimal, 6.0 for soil is kind of low
They look a little nitrogen deprived but all in all healthy looking plants brother , try watering with 6.5 ph water and going a little heavier in nitrogen and see if that helps .
I thought he said he was in coco?
I didnt see that part .
Here’s the first problem. Mg seems like a no brainer, but usually ends up screwing you somewhere.
PH 6 isn’t terrible for a straight coco grow, this is more soil-y I think. For sure if your root zone pH (from a slurry test) is at 7.0-7.5 it’s far too high. Whether soil or non soil
Do you have current pics taken under normal light? Full plant and then some of the “yellow” leaves?
I went to your other thread, and tried to piece it all together. It’s usually best to start 1 thread, fill out a support ticket, and stay on that topic.
If you’re using RO water be sure to add extra calcium and magnesium
Yes these are autos
They look hungry, but I’ve never grown autos YET, I’m gonna sit and watch this one you have a few of the best in here to help you! Sure have helped me!
Yeah, that’s not iron deficiency. Have you flushed these yet? What kind of MG soil are these in? Tricky part here is an excess of certain nutrients can cause lockouts of others. I.E. phosphorus excess can lockout calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. If this is occurring when watering, it leaves me to believe the water is kicking out a nutrient release in the soil.
The first was mostly coco, tjat looks worst, others 75ŮŞMG, 20ŮŞCOCO,
Was a conventional potting mix and yes was time a release
Damn, that stuff is hard to flush out. And they’re autos so transplanting would probably be more detrimental than helpful. I believe a soil/coco hybrid should be ph’d on the soil scale. How long did the MG say it fed up to?