First Foray Indoors and With Auto’s


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What nutrients are you using?
How often do you water?
Are you checking the pH?

Growing in FFOF, feeding FF Big Bloom and FF Tiger Bloom. Was watering twice a week until about a week ago, she’s thirsty now, dries out every 2-3 days now, so watering roughly every 2.5 days. Also started feeding some molasses. She looks droopy in the evenings, and perks back up overnight. I have been on an 18/6 schedule, last night I went down to a 16.5/7.5 to see if lighting was part of the evening droopiness. I do not have a PH meter. Using tap water that I set out in a 5-gallon bucket for days to fume off some chlorine.

Get something to check ph. Tap runs high usually.

You’re having pH issues. And probably nutrient lock out as well. I’ve found my autos to be very prone to over feeding.

You probably need a good flush.

Do you have a ppm meter?

I don’t have a ppm meter. I’ll pick up a PH and PPM meter. On the lighting, will this be a problem, growing up so close to it? Running 2- HLG 100 Rspec’s.

That’s not the problem. I promise.

That big plant needs all the light it can get. If anything, it’s not getting enough.

The problem is, you don’t know what’s going in.

The fox farm schedule feeds HEAVY. When I used fox farm, I fed at 40% and was still over feeding.

One thing I’ve found is using a lot of microbial product helps. Microbes help maintain pH at the roots and help plants uptake nutrients. I use a combination of King Crab, Fish Sh!t and Mammoth P.

Google king crab microbes, a link to “plant revolutions” should pop up. They have a $5 sample that will last a while because you only use 0.5mL per gallon.

Start with king crab, your plants will be happy.

Get a cheap Amazon PPM meter. It’ll work just fine.

As for pH meters, don’t go cheap. Get a blue lab meter or an apera. I have the Apera pH60. I went with the 60 over the 20 because the tip can be replaced on the 60. If the 20 breaks, you have to buy a whole new meter. They have good customer service too.

If you have Amazon prime, order a cheap $10 ppm meter STAT. You need that thing ASAP.

Then you need to water, plain water until you get run off. Test that run off. I bet it 3500ppm.

Ideally you need to flush with plain water, that is pH’d to 6.8, until you have water coming out at a low ppm. Not knowing what your tap water is, I can’t tell you what that run off should be. Shoot for 300 over what your tap water is.

At this point you have “hit the reset button”.

Water with nutes, no higher than 1250ppm ph’d to 6.8. After you pH, add the microbes.

Never add microbes before you pH.

Thanks, will check out my local supply house today for meters, then go amazon if needed. What does “shoot for 300 over what your tap water” mean?

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Test your tap water when you get your meters. See what it’s pH is and what it’s PPM is.

I have a good municipal water source. My water out of the tsp is 7.1pH and 180ppm

When I grew in soil, I would use my plain tap water to flush. When the run off got to 500 ppm, I would stop flushing. It was 320over my input ppm of 180.

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OK, so ph of my tap is 8.0
I watered to runoff with 6.0 adjusted
The water PPM is 220
The runoff was 968.

Guessing the high ph was the biggest issue, and now she’s watered until Sunday.
What ppm should my nute feeding show before I feed her Sunday? FF Tiger Bloom and FF Big Bloom, will adjust to 6.8 ph.
Also have the King Crab shipping, should get next week.

Leaves around the flowers droopy again this evening, flushed her earlier with ph’d water, runoff was 968. What the heck is happening here??

Use this feeding schedule for the fox farm trio.

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Like I said, I fed at 40%. Never 100%. You’re shooting for the recommended ppm. You’re missing the grow big part of the trio,too.

I started with fox farm. It worked well for me. I grew some good weed with it. Spent a small fortune on nutrients too.

I’m away from my house for work about 50% of the time. The feeding schedule was a pain in the butt for my wife. It always frustrated her.

So, I switched to dry nutrients (lotus) on my last grow. It’s a million times easier. So, before you go and buy every fricken bottle on that feed schedule, look at other options if you want to.

What week of flower are you in?

I’ve been working my tail off and can’t think straight… I’m tagging in some help.

@Covertgrower @Myfriendis410 @dbrn32 @Nicky @BobbyDigital @MidwestGuy @Hellraiser @Dman1969

Fill this Support Ticket out too to get anything I missed.

Answer these questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
  • Temps; Day, Night
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
  • Co2; Yes, No

I say let her dry out and see if the leaves improve. I don’t worry too much as long as you know you’re treating her right. Sometimes leaves are just droopy.


Are you still running that 600 hlg R-Spec. My Autos would get like this at the end of the day because they were tired from too much light. Is this only happening at the end of the day? If so, Try dimming down or raising your light a little bit and see if makes them happier. If I read your earlier post correctly you have an awful lot of light in a very small space.

I’m pretty sure he has only an HLG 100 over this plant.

I have 2- HLG 100 Rspec’s in the 3x3 tent.

As usual, everything perked up overnight, will see if it droops again by end of day. The lights are as high as they can go in the tent, and now the top is 6” under the light. Problem? If so, what can I do?

Filled in the quote

As the end of light cycle ends for the day, leaves get tired, and prepare for rest for the night.