476 uS is a little high to start with, but I’m sure you can make it work. 1328 out is probably ok, but again consistency is just as important as the number itself. I would highly recommend keeping a notebook in the grow area to keep a log and take other notes. I use an app to keep pics and notes organized so it’s useful when I need it.
Yea after getting the reading today this morning.
Ph in 6.2
Ph out was 6.8
EC in 1150
EC out was 1622
Plus side she’s reaching the sides. Few more days we can start allowing her to grow vertical. To about 3 1/2 - 4 feet then switch her to flower and pray for the stretch to stay around half a foot to a foot . First time with this strain so I really don’t know how much the stretch is gonna be but we’ll figure it out as we go and bend her up as much as possible
That is starting to get a bit outside on the runoff. If it’s still more than 400 over the input next time then it needs more water each event, water more often, less food or some combination of the three.Since your late veg I’d keep the feed tuned up and just give them more water to rinse the salts out then the plant can use what you give it more effectively.
It should come pretty close to filling the tent as is. If it was mine I’d go ahead and flower soon. Letting her get tall probably won’t help your case. Taller plants generally produce more larf and if you let her get too big you might have problems keeping it watered without automation.
So she takes about 5 cups each watering before she starts to drip. I feed 2x a day so total would be 10 cups a day.
What I can start doing is 5 cups of feed in the morning and then do 6-7 cups of water at night to keep it somewhat balanced in there: I have been looking at automatic watering but haven’t come across a good one or if it matters which one beings I’ll be running nutrient water through it.
I suspect you have some buildup in the medium, but you can’t really tell without consistent inputs. By alternating feed and plain water your stressing the plant by constantly changing it’s root conditions and likely reducing it’s ability to efficiently use nutes. Consistent in will give you consistent out. Then you will get a better idea of what input EC should be, how much, and how often you need to water. I am fairly sure 5c is not enough for your situation considering I just gave my seedling in a 1 gal pot about 5 cups to get proper runoff and it wasn’t even dry. Make sure your not flooding the pot. At no point during watering should there be standing water on top of the medium and the sides of a fabric pot shouldn’t get wet before the bottom of the pot. That means your watering too fast and it’s probably running down the sides of the pot instead of through the medium. If you have the time, water as slowly as you can. When water starts to puddle up then stop and wait a few minutes to add more water. Your girl looks good, but I bet you will be surprised by how vigorous they get when you get everything dialed in and balanced. You can almost pull up a chair and watch them get taller in real time. I think it took me 3 grows before coco really clicked for me and all the numbers smoothed out, but when they did the growth was just insane.
So 5 cups as in 5 red solo cups. Which are a little bit bigger then 1 cup.
I feed every single day because the coco gets damn near completely dry because my rh is sitting at 25-30%. So I don’t even get close to allowing it to dry really. The driest it gets is when I’m at work and by the time I get home and check on her she’s damn near dry. (Feed at 7am dry by 1-3pm) So I wait a little bit longer and feed her at about 8ish cause lights go off at 11pm.
I feed it 2x a day for 4 days
I water 2x a day for 3 days
I do that because foop says to make sure to alternate feeding and watering when growing in coco making sure to ph it to 6.2 in veg and 6.4 in flower.
Been doing that but it seems roughly by the time the next feeding comes around the ph out is skyrocketing to 6.8 on top of the EC out. That’s why I switch the watering towards the end trying to get her back in range for the following week feed.
I water very lightly, no water comes out the sides of the fabric pot. Only comes out the bottom of the pot and drips into a self watering base that I’m only using to catch the water to gather the run off. I get roughly 1-1.5 of the red solo cups back from run off.
depends on the solo cup. When I say cup I mean 8oz. Usually party cups are 16 or 18 oz.
sorry that was a typo. I meant to say 8 cups or a half gallon. I use a half gallon watering can and had a brain fart converting to cups and typing.
That would probably make sense if you were growing in straight coco with no perlite. Your input should also be a little higher with straight coco and you would water every day or two. If you wanted to try that route then you could try bumping up the feed EC and treating like soil. In essence you charge up the soil on feed days so that the runoff is around 2000uS then water only until the runoff is around 1000uS then feed again to bring the EC back up to 2000uS. It works just fine and will grow fine kind, but it’s a it forces the plant to endure some extremes(too much water not enough oxygen in the root zone and high EC) with a good nutrient ratio. Then it comes down to a good water to oxygen ratio and the plant begins to use nutes but as the EC comes down the nutrient ratio is less than ideal. At 30%-40% perlite (hope I’m remembering that right, if not then disregard) you’d be closer to HFF or hydro than straight coco. The increased drainage and reduced CEC changes things a little. It allows you maintain ideal EC, nutrient ratio, and water to oxygen ratio most of the time by constantly adding fresh solution in the case of hydro and multiple times a day with HFF. That’s what causes plants in coco to grow faster than in soil and plants in a higher perlite coco mixture to grow faster than straight coco. They are all valid methods and can produce high quality buds but it works best when you use the right method for your particular medium.
I don’t really subscribe to water to x% runoff idea. It’s a good enough place to start while to wrap your head around all the numbers involved, but I water however much it takes to get the runoff number I’m looking for. It doesn’t matter how much water comes out the bottom as long as the runoff is in line. Once you get the kinks worked out the numbers will be smooth and consistent. you’ll know you need to increase water because you will see the runoff numbers start to rise. You’ll know you’ve added enough water to each event because the runoff numbers return to range. You know you need to add another watering event to the schedule and/or reduce input EC when adding more water to each event doesn’t return the runoff numbers back to range. Sorry for the novel, I didn’t mean to ramble.
I got all situations under control again. Haven’t checked on her really for the pass couple days just been asking my wife go in and water/feed it. I been working 17 hour days .
Finally went back in there after about a week and I’m thinking about switching her to flower now. She took off like a wild fire from the last time I seen her. I only have about a week or two left of my veg nutes. Should I just push it the final feedings and just finishing up the veg nutes and then switch to flower or yall think she’s about ready. From root she’s about 2.5 feet. From soil she’s about 1-1.5 feet tall.
I’d go ahead and flip. She’ll probably fill the tent especially if you spread her with the net. I’d be worried about it getting too big for your tent and having to do some major pruning to RH down.
Should I flip her cycle now then. It was from 5am to 11pm. Thinking about switching to 7am on and 7pm off. That’ll give me time to be able to feed in the morning and possibly another feeding at 6 before lights off. Should give me enough time to get home and get her dealt with.
Also should I just go ahead and continue on with veg nutes for the first week until full transition ? Then switch over to bloom feed ?
I find that to be the tricky part with coco. If you have to hand water it can be tough to get a schedule that works. If you have to you can usually add an hour or so to the day and do 13 on 11 off. Sometimes that extra hour makes all the difference.
I usually change over gradually, but it also depends on your nutes. I’m not sure what the protocol is for foop. It just depends on the NPK of each portion.
Alright guys, we’re almost at the two week mark from flip.
January 1st I flipped to flower. For the first week from flip I just gave the remaining of the veg nutes.
January 8th I started giving week 1 bloom nutes.
January 15th will be the start of week 2 nutes and so on.
This is how she’s looking since the flip so far
Morning glitch, so as of right now you can see in the pictures above I’m starting to do a lot of tucking with the fan leaves.
Around week 3 or 4 should I go ahead and start doing a little bit of defoliation to open up more of the budding sites and do away with whatever leaves I ended up having to tuck ? Figured around the 3-4 week the flower stretch should be over and the stacking of buds should start.