Extremely airy buds right before harvest? Bud rot or nutrients?

Trichomes were mostly clear and a little cloudy from what I could tell two days ago. This autoflower 100% Sativa Strawberry Cough looked great all throughout the grow, but the flowers never got dense towards the end.

Last post I made, people here said I may have overdone the nutrients (Jack’s 3-2-1) since autoflowers don’t need as much as photoperiods (which I have two of under the same light in the same grow). Temps were 62 F to 82 F, humidity has been 30% to 51% for over a month.

The leaves yellowed almost completely, and seems to me like the flowers got even more airy two days ago while the photoperiods are just getting better with more dense flowers. I took it out of the grow room just in case, cut one cola that looks great length and width (that’s what she said), but it’s more airy than any bud I’ve ever seen. :astonished:

The only time I ever saw an entire plant’s colas be this airy, I had a King’s Kush grown outdoors that I moved indoors for 5 days and it got bud rot. Could this possibly be a bud rot issue, or did I just over-nute this plant but somehow the other three plants are okay?

I’m thinking of just throwing it away since I don’t want to do the edible thing.

Below photos are photoperiods of the same strain (but are photoperiod), on the plant still growing, and one dried flower I cut 2 days ago for comparison - all were grown at the same time under the exact same conditions.


This is probably why they weren’t ready for harvest you have to wait for them to at least get almost all cloudy and some ambers. Sativa has a tendency to grow a little loose anyway


It’s hard to explain how fluffy and airy these flowers are, especially when compared to the other 3 plants. It’s all leaves basically. I attempted to trim a cut flower and there wasn’t anything left but pistils, no formation of a bud.

I could leave it under the light longer, but I doubt it will tighten up anymore within any amount of time.

Was it in a corner where it possibly didn’t get enough light intensity

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It could just be an issue with the genetics sometimes plants just don’t grow good. Here’s an article on loose buds maybe it can help you in future grows


Welcomed to the community @spacey
About air buds something that is important on dense bud

1-strains that had more indica just cuz sativas dominat had to grown air buds

2- amount of watts on ligth

3- nutrients

In autos nutrients don’t make air buds just like photos they need same amount of nutrients, photos use to produced more yields, training you plants make dense buds

Happy growing :green_heart::metal:

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All four plants had the same conditions.

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Hopefully it is just the genetics. A good idea to have 4 plants in a 4’x4’ area instead of just 2.

Then it’s probably genetics, it happens


Wasn’t low light, it got 25% of a 1000 watt HPS

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I generally do six 7g plants in my 4x4 all these are sativa actually there’s only 5 left in here now i cut one the other day


I’m not very familiar with bulb lights but I know I’ve seen plenty of the 1000w in 4x4 and they do good

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Could be bad genetics then, or something else. I know it wasn’t a “not enough light” issue, temps were not too high (max 82 F daily), nutes were the same for all four plants.

Not seeing any bud rot, no mold smell. I should be happy that only one plant has an issue out of four. The back two photos are doing great, getting super dense, one has turned purple, and they aren’t ready yet. :+1:

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I grew some GG4 clones outdoors, they were larfy.

With super-leafy and airy buds that don’t seem worth consuming - do people just throw the away? I don’t even see it worth trying to cook with. :astonished:

Read the entire thing. May have been over nutrients, wasn’t roots, temp, or lighting.

Last paragraph from your link could have been the issue as well. I wasn’t 100% consistent with the feeding schedule and switched from Fox Farm to Jack’s 3-2-1 after flowering started.



@spacey a little grind and they make great j’s or bowl food.


I’m with Jane on smoking it i grew a gg4 a couple grows back and it was a sickly looking thing throughout the whole grow ended up with a bunch of pinky size buds and that’s the only thing my family could talk about for a month, how great the smoke was I was blown away because it was such a crapy plant


Ok, so just dry it, trim it up and then cure it for shake.

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Ya, I guess that shake you get at the dispensaries has to come from somewhere. Why would anyone grind up a nice looking bud? Makes sense.

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