Excited newbie here! 4x4 indoor

I really dont know how 2 explain well but i got it from reading @imSICKkid journals and @AfgVet and they always have great results


I only grow photos indoor brother


I have also heard this theory… although have not seen said threads… hint hint lol… seriously brother?? Well I’m a stoner what can I say lol… well if that’s the case I definitely leaving too much on this run lol… I’ll slowly widdle them back perhaps lol thanks for the help and suggestions my friend!!

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The kid introduce a lot of people to this technique. He got it from this guy:


There it goes lol. Low also those it


Yo!! :heart: Love ya Kap!! Always on point!! This is a great video definitely helped me thanks!!

Where IS @Low ? I haven’t seen him anywhere lately… @pr usually keeping tabs on everyone?? :wink:


See I always do a defol a few days before flip never the day of. Defol give a cpl days then flip Incase of a situation arising from the defol they have a day or 2 to recoup if u have any stress related issues it will def damper on the budsites making. One day I’m gonna have me some hellraiser tents going where it’s wall to wall beauty. Lol. I’m sneaking and learning on u guys and u don’t know it. Lol. I’m trying all I can do to better myself and find me a job working in this industry. I love playing with plants and can see myself doing this til the day I croak.


Sick got it from Mr Green Jeans.

All great advice. Great forum. @SnkeyezCobra i have that same uneasy feeling when it’s time to trim. @SilvaBack203 @Mark0427 @kaptain3d @GrnyGrows I appreciate your input as well. Sounds like you’re in good hands with these guys advice. I don’t have a set trim schedule but I do now. I did know to trim before transition. But during flower was a whole other story. I was picking stuff out every week and I also think I have to manny colas. I have som lower stuff that could of came off as well. I’m just leaving it now until it’s finished. This is a feminized photo grow. Dos si Dos. Thanks for letting me share. Keep up the great work. :star_struck::sunglasses::+1:t2:


Gorgeous lady


Speaking of @imSICKkid . How come no more posts here? His journals are fantastic information. He destroys the game with growing. :man_shrugging:


Damn that’s a beauty! :flushed:


I just tried a dos si do pen the other day it was really good!! Plant looks great my friend!! Can’t wait for the smoke report!!


I’m glad to hear that helped! :+1:


You can find him on ig. Now a day he dont post journals but he still growing and breeding


I see the same! I love just culling thru them, inspecting, etc. Not thinking about anything else at all while gardening. Crazy how fast time goes by when in that zone.


Nice plant. And i really like the clean setup you have.:100:

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I was down there for 3 hours last night and the light turned off on me while I was trying to frantically beat the clock lol… I love being in that zone though… like nothing else is going on… music playing and just inspecting cutting caring for them lol… definitely a lifer here too!! Unfortunately in my haste I left the zipper open at the bottom of the tent last night… I hope no light got in there… if they termite cause I’m an idiot I won’t be too happy lol


Sick selections and same avitar as on here , right brother? If so I did follow him. :call_me_hand:

Remind me – you’re growing photos, right?

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