Excited newbie here! 4x4 indoor

Yes ma’am… 3 Ak47 and 2 Sour Diesel… plus the clone… lol


Ok so I have this trim here… I just put in a ziplock and put in the freezer? Also my stepson helper wants to smoke one of the buds I cut off… I told him it probably won’t do anything he don’t care… is there a way for him to do something maybe using a microwave idk lol


@Slug_Life @Deez @thedeernad i believe you guys were talking about this… is it too early to keep this stuff? And should I get all the stems out?


I would differentiate the leaves. Maybe I should dice the stalks of the leaves but I usually don’t. Oops. Non sugar coated fan leaves should go in a worm bin,or used as mulch on top of the soil. Only freeze and look towards anything with trichomes on it.

Hope this helps.
SL out.


Some folks keep some fan leaves in the freezer as a way to hydrate older, dryer weed if/when that happens.

Some folks will nuke a tester bud, but I’ve dried mine out for a day or so.

Oh man, the stepson is jonesing, I can’t blame him. :grin: Glad you have help and can share the learning and growing.


Yeah this is what I was starting to wonder… I have a compost pile for the fan leaves and such I’ve been cutting off so far or anything dead… but a few of these fan leaves had a few sparkles near the stem? Just don’t want to waste anything :man_shrugging: What can I say haha… anyway thanks to you and @Twelve1 for your help and input… I know I’m hooked… can’t wait to start “knowing” what I’m doing :rofl::joy: guess I better go through the freezer bag… yeah I knew I was a little early still to be saving too much… yeah the last month has been “boring” for him… ok me too haha but I do more with them too… on that note gtg check on the girls be back later :rofl:

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Like this? I can keep right?


Yeah keep that. It might not do much since it’s such under developed flower but it can’t hurt!

You can get rid of the fan leaves.


It’s too soon, I think. On any buds – zap em in the mircowave for 1 min to dry – then try. I started out keeping all my trimmings as I just couldn’t let go of may beautiful vegetation. Not anymore. I trash mine. Now, at the end, I keep the larf/kief.


Sure you can. Always think edibles. I’m just not sure at this stage they will produce any effect.


Yeah I don’t want to smoke this stuff I’ll let the kiddo have one to try lol… but I was going to just take this and put in the freezer til I get something more substantial to add to it? If this is still not really worth it… I don’t think the time spent last night will be spent again the same… maybe I’ll stick to the compost pile… when should I start looking to save my trimmings?

If it’s got trichs, save it. I don’t save anymore til the end.



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Yes for sure. At work drags by slow as shit. Get to playing with the plants and hours just fly by quick as shit. Lol. I can defol for 3 or 4 hours and not bug me but if I was at work I would be freaking out


Exactly the same with me. Defol and trimming bud, hours go by way to fast. Or just staring at them!:rofl:


Ok so first pic is her rose bush she planted last year… had a beautiful flower today… if you look you can see the stalks of my once beautiful sunflower starts lol… guess the rabbits must like them… also the snap peas along the back

My nephew came home with a package of skyscraper sunflowers and said he wants to see how tall they get… so I started one of each and have another tray to start tom… also some basil berries and stuff in the little pots… something grandma brought we’ll see what happens lol

And my journaling stinks and my pics and notes are as consistent as well… well I flipped them May 1 so about 5 weeks ago… been trying to thin them out a bit and pull of suckers… feel like I could do more and less all at the same time… yeah anyway here Shaquesha




Cheech - looking a little light :man_shrugging:

And Cheechs clone poking a head out


They all look great!


Awesome :sunglasses: I’d be proud for sure. Great looking plants :seedling:


Thanks @KPC and @Stomata appreciate the kind words!! :pray: I’m so ready for the next stage already :joy::rofl: this grow has taken forever lol Feb seems so long ago… and I don’t even see the end yet lol :man_facepalming:


I definitely know that feeling brother. Most of my grow got started in February as well and I didn’t flip the lights till April and didn’t start seeing flowers till April 20.

I used to keep track of when I flipped the lights in my journal but I don’t really anymore, I usually will make a post in my journal and mention it but the thing I’m more interested in is when the first flowers really show up which let’s face it is like a 3 to 5 day window where you could call it.

I know you said you flip the lights like five weeks ago but those plants look pretty far along for only being maybe three or four weeks into flower. They look great. It looks like they’ve done their first round of swelling and you’re still in for a second round in a few weeks.

Really good strain selections on your part. That sour diesel is a blast to grow and for me having grown up around New York City in the late 90s and early 2000s that taste and smell is such a nostalgia trip and a real cool feeling that you have produced it yourself. The first time I smoked my own homegrown sour D I was like beside myself with joy. Also really fucking high :rofl:

I wouldn’t bother saving any of those fan leaves or any of the stuff that you’re defoliating in the first few weeks like this. There’s no harm, and if your stepson wants to smoke some underdeveloped buds I say have at it, worst case scenario you don’t catch a buzz. My favorite way to quick dry is to toss it in the toaster oven, right on the rack, and I said it to like 160° switch on my toaster is the “keep warm “setting. About an hour of that is all I need and it’s smokable.

I don’t really bother saving my trim until I get to harvest time.