Excited newbie here! 4x4 indoor

It does appear that they may have a bit of food lol. There is some tip. Ur s on the leaves. If u r believing it is too much nutes then give it a good water only or 2. Too much feed in flower can and will cause loose airy buds from over feeding. See these reasons here is why I believe everyone should start off using coco to grow with as it is super super easy to repair a fuck up in coco soil is not quite as much leniency. Have u tried run off numbers and see where they sit.


Awesome advice. I also needed some trim advice when flower comes along. I’ve been struggling with this. :+1:t2:


They are definitely 3 weeks into flower I was doing pretty much that I stripped bottom third for the most part right before flip then pick a few here and there but I know I kept too much still… I started plucking a few of the small pistils lower down on a couple the other day… I always try to stand above it and then air it out from the middle first… but I didn’t want to take too many fan leaves as I cleaned up quite a few in veg lol… I figure I can always spend more time in trim jail than not have more buds lmao… what a cool concept with drawing for the dehumidifier… will see if I can get that dehumidifier in the tent … it’s crowded in there lol… I really appreciate your time and effort Mark!!!

@Stomata yours looks awesome my friend you got it down already I’m sure :facepunch:

@Twelve1 so I took pics yesterday… they don’t look as purple in the pics as they did to me lol but they are definitely darker than the others… of course I lost internet yesterday so hopefully new router comes today and I can update later


@Twelve1 well after looking at Fiz I don’t think they are purple anymore lol :joy: but I tried to get a pic of the two next to each other and you can see it’s a darker bud atleast lol :joy:


Your girks r looking amazing man


Thanks that means a lot coming from the master! :facepunch::star_struck:


Now u stripped the bottoms the tops should fatten up alot more now. In 21 more days do the same thing again. Even small shit buds in the very middle of they don’t amount I cut it off anymore. Sux to trim almost nothing lol. Looking good tho nice job man.


Thanks sir… yes I need to to do some trimming tonight… gonna pick all the suckers off the bottom and stuff I know can go then see what they look like… I’m still battling high humidity… it’s reading 77 currently until the lights come on… I don’t have room for the dehumidifier and the plants in the tent lol… tried opening the tent a little to drop it but afraid of light getting in and it’s not dropping humidity… as soon as lights go on I open the tent and kick my other fan towards them and it seems to do ok… but nighttime humidity I know is way to high… this may sound like a dumb question but should I get one of the plants out so I have some good ones and cut the one as a loss? Or try to see if I can keep it going out of the tent with my cheap light or shoot put it outside like I planned and hope for the best… lol Idk any suggestions are appreciated


You know this already – but maybe this list of tricks might help. I’m trying everything to combat heat – because I have a dehumidifier and it cranks out hot air constantly. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Awesome article thanks for the share!! Some good ideas in there… and yes some I knew but obviously my short term memory isn’t that great so reminders are always nice!! After some reading I think my best course of action is defol… I’m nervous… I’m veg I knew something else would grow now I’m just killing it off lol… not having harvested yet it makes it hard to know what to keep and get rid of… I mean I know I watch the videos and read the articles but when my hand is in the plant I get a little unsure I guess… my theory is like @MeEasy you can always take it off later but you can’t put it back on lol


I was out of my mind defoliating my first grow – but I was aggressive about it after I stunted my poor girls (from not getting into dirt soon enough – not from cutting). After the 3ozs went in the pantry, I chilled mightily. I am still pretty aggressive – and it still hurts. All that work to cut it up. But, it’s going to grow stronger and better. Err on the cautious side, but help your plants breath and feel cooler.


Yes i also defol like Mark said. 1st 1 is day 1 of flower. 2nd day 21 of flower and last day 42 of flower


It’s pretty, there’s some neat color there! :heart_eyes:

I also get weirded out about pruning/defol, so I understand!


I just wish there were more photoperiod to see… feels like everyone is growing autos lol how much can I take? There are a couple “branches” that could go but I don’t want to stunt her either… well I’m about to go find out in a min what I’m going to do lol


Any help or suggestions on this trim? Lol sorry I’m needy sometimes haha :joy::rofl: anyway here are some pics

Shaq I’m gonna have to put some stakes to get her to stand up she laying all up on everyone :rofl:

This is a lower side branch… cut the whole thing? Just my fingers back?
Here’s the underside of the plant… just get rid of this area?

Here’s Gg

Just pick a few colas and push energy there?


So I’m still taking suggestions on the cuts… didn’t even get to Gg… but I did work on Shaq a bit… watered the clone, Cheech, Gg and Shaq… got the humidifier squeezed in there… checked the humidity on my inkbird is reading 51rh and I’m not at 82 temp with lights off lol so… tents gonna have to be open when the lights are on maybe​:man_shrugging: Anyway funniest part of the night the little one is helping water… She says what is that smell… I said it’s the plant… she said I can’t water it anymore it smells too bad :rofl::joy::rofl: I thought it was hilarious…

So I put in some stakes but Shaq wants to fly all over so I did this for the night…

And a little cleaned up I think lol

Cut off a few like this

I can do something with this stuff? I have a bin full for compost already but now that it’s in flower, the leaves and the buds I was pulling off can be used somehow?

Here’s everything not that you can see it all :rofl:


Yes those little ones way down there needed to go.


This is interesting. What’s the theory behind it?


Beautiful. Dude, you’re going a great job. You will be well rewarded.


@Mhcnola heres my little crazy place lol :joy: feel free to stop by

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