Excited newbie here! 4x4 indoor

:train2: choo choo :joy::rofl:



Lol thanks guys and gals!! Should we take Chong off the train and make more room? Or should I just give her some time? Maybe booster seat and open her up some more? :man_shrugging: I wonder if she has a problem though… she’s been steadily heavier than cheech both in 7 gal… but even dry she’s always heavier… maybe a root problem? I’ll smoke and see lol

That’s the right answer. She’s otherwise totally healthy. No reason at all to toss all the time expended up til now. She’ll flower when she’s ready.


:joy::joy::joy: you guys crack me up !


Those girls are looking great man. Start getting those hands ready 4 trim jail coming soon 2 a sit near you

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I have used those metal shelves just like you’re doing!!! Everything looks good to me. That tent is going to be a jungle when they really stretch.


They told me the reason they’re not charging for android yet is because it’s still being developed and a little bit buggy.

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Looking super happy n healthy my friend!!! :muscle::call_me_hand:

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Looking good :+1:t2:. Happy plants


Oooookay so I’m slacking… but here’s the gang tonight

Cheech is looking a little light in color compared to everyone else… her and Patty got no nutes and straight distilled the last watering



Good good “the mutant” looks like one of the best so far haha :rofl::joy:

Chong the only one showing any frost :man_shrugging:

Oh yeah the clone has one cola popping through too

So I did exactly what I said I wouldn’t I have way too much going on… probably a good thing my moon sees didn’t make it lol… if I had just the three like I planned it would be a nice full tent… anyway I’m just trying to relax and let them go learn from this and hopefully smoke something good here eventually… feels like forever already and I’m not even into counting the “last two weeks” or curing lol… I took a bunch of photos lights on lights off flash and not… I got this one good pic haha hope everyone is doing well!!


To me the yellowish one needs a good feed of food. The very last pic u posted looks a slight bit too much nitrogen. I would do a calmag water or 2 on that one to get down on the nitrogen some as the leaves appear a bit waxy looking and too much n in flower will cause small loose buds.


Girls are looking good 1 of the bunch is definitely ben a fatty


Thanks @Mark0427 exactly the type of info I need!! The last one has definitely a more wax look to it now that you mentioned it… it’s also the bushiest and is almost wet sometimes. I’ve trimmed back some but I’m afraid to do much more now in flower… veg I was slicing and dicing lol now I’m finding leaves on the floor of the tent… also my humidity has been peaking around 70 at night… I tried to open it up and get the dehumidifier close without exposing light… as their night is daytime… ugh I don’t know


Hi @SnkeyezCobra ! Nice buddage-building that those girls are doing!


Ok so they all look worse today lol… I fed jacks to all… tried to air them out a little… more work needs to be done there… but feeding was most important… definitely didn’t realize how sticky everything can get already… just sticking my hands in plucking a couple yellow leaves… realized I’m knocking over a cola and my shirt has stuff all over it and my fingers are a little tacky… oooook time to close up the tent tonight :rofl::joy: next three days off and Moms is coming in 10 days!! So instead of stressing on my numbers and ugly leaves… I’m going to do as you all have taught me and relax and have patience lol… but of course any suggestions on my ugly plants feel free by tom my patience will have worn off lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: well today for most of you

But to end on a positive note they all have some frost building now too so that’s fun to see… I know I’m a nerd but I’m fascinated with every stage and little development… side note the sour d has some purple looking buds near the bottom I didn’t get pics but I’ll post tom


I often say we should be making “cannabis glue”. If I don’t wear gloves my fingers stick together.

As to the plants, if you’ve treated them try to kick back and see how it goes. It’s so dang hard. I have not patience. Go forth and enjoy your day.



:+1: I’m not sure that fascination ever goes away. :joy:

I look forward to seeing the purple-looking buds!


They look good in my eyes is just u oushing them 2 the max the end is near


Try and put the dehumid on a bucket so it is up a little bit higher and run the drain line hose out a tent port into another 5 gallon bucket. Keep the water u collect from the dehuey outside the tent if u can helps massive on rh.

If u r more than 3 weeks into flower go ahead and strip.off the biggest fan leaves or ones that cover good potential buds. It won’t hurt. See when u start flower u don’t wanna I terrupt the part where the plant focuses on making bud sites. If stinted then it will limit the amount of bud sites. The more site pop up the more bud pops out. Lol. So as long as u basically wait til after u see the bud sites formed and look like they r swelling up the sites r pretty much formed and gonna fatten up. Good time to strip what u don’t want off and let the good energy focus on what u wanna keep. So all the bottom third of the plant take it off as it won’t amount to anything good at all plus removing the bottom thirds will help fatten the top half alot more all the buds up the middle of the plant like literally on the middle of the plant up the stalks of it is just white pistils looking. Cut them off they won’t swell much as they r not getting proper light. If u see buds that r looking plum and ones that are just like pistil hairs. Get rid of the smaller pistil hair ones as they r not gonna swell much of at all. After u get all the bigger leaves off u don’t want lay on the floor and look up thru the plant or stand above and look down the plant. Anything not getting light I’d cut off to let it focus on what’s getting light.