So I had problems with ILGM seeds germinating and was happy with the customer service but sorely disappointed with the seeds. I figured I would give it one more go with ILGM seeds and ordered 5 blueberry photo seeds. Here is a side by side comparison of 2. Do I even bother with the dried up, matte, cracked one?
What is your germination procedure?
I’ve used the water/peroxide method, the moist paper towel method, a combo of both, a put it in the dirt attempt. I’m just disappointed in how crappy that one seed looks that just showed up today. The other 4 in the pack look ok on the outside. We shall see if they pop. I’m doing the moist paper towel for these ones.
I picked up some seeds to grow one plant a few months ago. The seeds were awful looking. But I thought I’d give it a try and started one seed. It basically exploded into a monster. I had that plant in it’s final home in two weeks from dropping in peroxide and water.
There’s another technique to help seeds crack: drag the seed down a nail file to score the husk. This will soften it enough for liquid to make it inside more easily and for the shell to crack. You are just applying scratches to the surface.
Is that how you received your seeds? Or is this afternoon a short time of attempting germination?
Nope, that’s how they came right out of the baggie in the ILGM envelope
Try a 24 hr soak with tap water and a few drops of peroxide, then paper towel. Put the wet paper towel in a baggie on the corner of the cablebox for heat. Not sure why but this works best for me with the ilgm seeds. Some just will not pop. Ive had all from one pack sprout, then not even half in a different pack. No seeds are perfect but not always user error as well.
Ive always soaked in 3 parts water 1 part peroxide, scoring the seed as mentioned above will help. Something else i do is setting the container on a germination mat. After 12 to 24 hours a little taproot will appear and then i drop in soil. 24 to 48 hours later is when she will pop above soil.
I put one seed in the moist paper towel in the container in a temp controlled space so it doesn’t get cold. I figure I’ll give that a go first and when I drop another one I’ll do the scoring and soak/paper towel method.
I’d let customer service know. If they’re replacements for a purchase they should still be good on their guarantee.
The fruity pebbles ones were replacement and they couldn’t offer the guarantee on the replacements so they gave me a coupon code on a future purchase. So I figure why not give them one more try, so I was a bit discouraged when one of the seeds looked like it got pulled out of the tread of my boot after a hike through the dessert. I’ve never had an issue with any of the customer service reps, they’re great…but product wise they’re just not living up to the hype.
So 4:20pm will be 24 hours since trying to germinate the seed. We’ll see what happens, but I thought the start time was amazing