I don’t know where this is going or what I’m doing but i would love to join the conversation, share my jounal and ask questions. Not media savy. Need some how-to hand holding.
Welcome to the community. You are in the right place. Every 1 here love sharing knowledge and loving your pictures
As you are, i am new. We post on this forum either questions or input our replies to questions.
Rather than waste peoples time, I tried reading every post. That brings knowledge and opinions from the forum. Many will be helpful and all benefit, pupil and teacher, both, as well as other readers cruising for more knowledge. Frequently forum posting will directly apply or forewarn you to what may be coming.
The advancements in hardware alone could blow the mind of my father (he was an Army Air Corp B-17 Navigator with 30 combat missions flown in the European theatre, including 29 return home flights. He once asked, being a competent qualified celestial navigator, how do they get global positioning from a box. I have known that answer for 35-years, since Uncle Sam taught me. Every aspect of your grow will have been experienced by someone and sharing is caring. Also, Dad Never wanted to parachute AGAIN.
Welcome welcome! Newbie here too. I have learnt so much from this forum. You’re definitely in the right place. Looking forward to seeing your grow.
When posting pictures to this forum, please let the file finish before you hit reply. Many have had issues where pics did not post. This is #1 reason why.
This ties into another early lesson you should master, patience. You will find that to be necessary in all aspects of your grow.
Welcome and let the growing begin!
Welcome to the forum, sit down a spell.
I don’t even know how tor reply but I’ve been watching you and others. Feel so stupid about all this posting stuff. Back story…hubby and i grew in our pig pen…best afghani…back in the 80’s. We got robbed and scared to death. 2 kids, 2 careers and the mini farm, we prayed not to get busted and swore off the bud. Flash forward 40 years…we are retired and don’t give a sh#t. Who cares! Looking for a hobby, i bought a tent kit as a Christmas present for hubby. Complete 3x3 with everything with black friday deal ($300). No name brand - all chinese, 600w blurple? Never did any research, just a whim. Then bought some seeds, haze xl auto from i49. Then i discovered ilgm and started researching. Ha! And i think i am killing it! Now we’re hooked. Dont know if we’ll even sample our product but we’re giddy with the possibility. So are our kids- ha! My babies are frosty but probably have 3-5 weeks to go. I’ll try to attach pics…but since i don’t know what I’m doing…46 days above ground.
Looks like some fire, keep it up!
Some of us love our dogs more than growing. Golden retriever and mixed long coat 110# black lab rescue - AKA Big Boy
Skim through some grow journals. Some are on point and informational others are mostly messing around but eventually get there. Ask questions and post pictures.
Welcome and glad to have you aboard.
Oh, ive been watching you, too. I love my Ruby girl. She is also a retirement project. People have a misconception about poodles. This standard girl will match about any athletic/hunting standards of another dog of this size…and i can pimp her up better!
I had some of that, cloned for 3 years before the 35-year plan.
Asking is cool. If asking a specific person type @XXXX .
AKA @RubysMom, correct listing will appear for selection of concerned or applicable contact desired.
WHIM got you started, time to learn WAX-On and WAX-Off. What an incredible opportunity to learn what we didn’t know in the 70/80’s.
@DEEPDIVERDAVE, @HMGRWN , @beardless , @SilvaBack203 , @2GreenThumbs , @SheBud
So here’s my concern. The first wife’s club, Bette, Diane & Goldie are all showing seed sites. I have checked for hermies…none. i hope they are swollen calyx? Maybe haze xl strain? Every node has them…lots of them…
sticky and swollen. I have taken samples and pinched them and no seed. Is this normal? I just took these pics and my fingers are very sticky
Those are just swallom callix like you stated you are fine. Will be some great smoke
Those are female calyxes, all female weed plants have them. It is where seeds would be grown but it doesn’t mean it’s pollenated. If there is a seed it there you could squeeze it and it would pop out.
In those locations is where you would look to sex them male vs female. It’s the first location they appear. Buds are clusters of them.
Out of likes but digging every word
Curr dogg, ive been watchin you too. You do such a great job of helping and responding to those of us who feel so insecure
Right on and love the attitude with retired and don’t give a . Gorgeous plant and doesn’t seem like you’ve missed a beat
Flowers have one function, being reproduction. If that does not work, quickly, ladies put on oils-terps (what ever the terms will be) to stick or glue the pollen as it passes bye. Pollinators can be flying or pollen can be air-borne with good wind. Can’t speak to viability, or source of possible pollination, but she’ either swallowed the watermelon seed or primping for added attraction and plumping with oils? Good parenting is often challenging.
Hi Ruby! I’m fairly new too, only have a few grows under my belt. welcome to the forum.