So my girl had been in the drying tent for 10 days now. Keeping temps in mid to low 60s and humidity about 55 to 65 . No lights. I peek in on occasion to try snap test. Still no snap just bend. I think it’s getting clise but with this being my first harvest definitely getting antsy. Tips…suggestions…funny antidotes?
You’re keeping almost perfect ideal conditions and that’ll stretch out the dry and enhance everything you want in the smoke. 10 days is a good long dry. Do you have a moisture meter available? Some growers probe them to monitor the %’s. At 10 days I pull mine down and into 5 gal buckets to begin curing. I open them daily to remove any excess rh within. As I trim they get transferred into jars and the burping continues.
I don’t wait for the branches to snap, if they bend and slightly feel like they are breaking, without going back to original shape, means they are close. I now use a lumber moisture meter to check buds. When they reach 11-13 % I put them in Grove bags.
If the feel pretty dry when you touch/pinch them, I’d jar them up with one of those cheap hygrometers and see where you’re at. I also use a wood moisture meter. They’re pretty cheap. My local harbor freight has them in store for $13.99
Here’s a link to Grove Bag usage, lots of great info there about drying and curing. I know somewhere in there someone talks about using moisture meter. That’s where I originally saw info.