Drying impatience 😤

As said, above, I agree.
Usually I wet trim, down to smaller glistening leaves. Burping and inspecting.
Last month, 3 days and done hanging. A week on the current hang. 50F/70RH.
working for better numbers. Daily inspecting for mold until 62 is showing.
Tried a few bag sweating, and buds often got stuck (too miost for touching others.
Newebie in this zone. Good cure to all.


Trimmed and bagged :call_me_hand:


I think this was $10 at harbor freight. Takes all the guesswork out of drying. Nice and small so you can get it into the areas you need to take readings from without damaging the buds. One button so it’s easy to use. Highly recommend it.


Perfect :+1: that’s the one i grabbed . Thank ya sir

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