Do you like any sport?

Do you like any sport?

Sports is a way of life, a way to get exercise, a way to socialize with your existing friends and make new ones, it is a way to communicate, a Religion.Sport and games are integral part of life facilitate to purify and refresh our mind. Everyone should involve themselves in the sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sports are necessary because it brings physical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular basis. Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It does not provide only physical strength however it increases mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, running, etc helps in improving physical health and mental fitness.

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Mostly a Hockey fan, and some American football. I say some because my team stinks!

I like smoking weed. That’s a sport, right?


As long as ya win Betty :slight_smile:


Always. I am Champion of my division. Of course, I’m the only one in my division, so…


Hockey and racing. Some consider fishing a sport, not me, but I love catching trout.

I will watch a variety of sports. Each one offers a different slant on competition. Tennis is One vs One (or 2 vs 2 with doubles) and football of course team dynamics. Baseball has team and one on one aspects. I like winter Olympic sports. From Jumping, skating to Curling.
The only sport I ever was really good at was tennis. Picked it up in high school and played for 10 years or so. Also loved Ping Pong. And not casual play but like this…

Too old to play like this anymore but it was lots of fun.


Tennis is some workout. Even to keep the ball going not even trying to beat the other guy, fun though.

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I enjoy video games does that count?

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Skateboarding all the way, started when i was 8 and im 33 now, definitely take it a lot easier nowadays

Pic from last year



Keep it going. I used to be good on a bike. When we stop is when we cant do it anymore, not the other way around :v:


Mountain biking

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