Do i have this down right? scrogging

ya, it was a hard decision on what to pick for the strain for this that has high thc that would be good for scrog.
any recommendations on what would give high thc with high yields, good for scrog?
i am planning on making scrog my primary grow technique, plus i dropped like 2 grand on a lot of equipment, high quality soil, nutes, netting, tent, a 400w light was like 400 bucks alone, ect. i also plan on expanding and dropping another few thousand on multiple set ups, a few 4x4s maybe a 8x8… idk yet, seeing how this first run at this goes. so i will be following a lot of ur work, i been reading in on a few of ur posts. u make some pretty incredible shit.


I appreciate you following along with me! :sunglasses: I don’t base my choices on THC as I’m a believer that terpine profiles… I think they make a bigger impact than people realize. But I’m not much of a smoker, I like frost, funky/weird/strong smells, and density. None of it is in direct ties with thc percentages.

Advertised THC percentages from banks are also usually pheno hunted and their best is represented here.

Hybrids are probably the best choice for scrogging, indicas sometimes take too long too scrog/don’t really stretch, and sativas sometimes get to tall which can lead to uncomfortable super cropping mid flower. Which if your a fan of bud structure at all might leave you a little uneasy. I’ve done plenty of both, but because it’s just for us/friends I’m ok with a less than perfect cola. No selling or anything, it’s just my hobby of choice. My hardcore indicas have taken months to scrog.

As for investing, yeah, I think I’m about $18,000 in overall. It adds up really fast, and a lot of it i don’t even use anymore. :man_shrugging: kind of a learning situation and ideas change every so often.

I used to run a couple 2x2’s or 27x27 and 4 or 5 2x4’s. I was staggering my harvests and getting 1-3lbs every couple of months. With a nice variety and quantity of each.

If you intend on going this route, keep your lips zipped, be prepared for pest control, environmental control, nutrient and water reservoirs, lots of medium/pots on hand, appropriate electrical capacity, a proper way to dispose of tons of trim, and invest in a trimmer. :call_me_hand:t3:


Yes. The more the strain tends to stretch after flip, just account for the extra stretch. And if it has more indicaish traits then maybe veg a little longer.


18k is ridiculous lol but by the end of what im aiming for i estimate around 10k, but for now, i can fit maybe two 4x4s and a 2x2, thats pushin it too as far as space goes, funding is not an issue, so with the space available, scrogging is something i wanna know inside and out, so basically from what i gather, u can do 2 plants in a 4x4 and do a 2x4 trellis for each? and that would produce high quality and max yields?

im all in on this, im willing to invest any amount of time necessary, and whatever it costs doesnt matter much to me. as long as quality is top knotch and hopefully getting the most yields with what i got, quality over quantity though.
so if u dont mind ill be asking a lot of questions that i may have throughout, maybe will find a few mentors to try a couple different techniques from the best of the best and find what works best. hopefully ur willing to help with more advice throughout time. every so often may have to dumb it down but i do understand 90% of the terms an lingo so far :sweat_smile:


I feel your pain i gotta be up in yhe high teens prob 18 to 20k invested if not more :joy:


Lol, I’m too scared to add up my costs… just my lighting is around 4k ( USD )
That’s when converting our weak currency to USD…

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So let me ask you a question if you just LST what do you do during flower? Do you untie your bra ches because they’re trained or do you leave the ties in


I loosen or remove the tie downs on the branches once the structure of the plant is where I have all the lower branches growing up and between the uppers and they’ve become rigid. This is usually around mid flower or sooner :love_you_gesture:


@OGIncognito I ask because my first plant I did LST. Then I went into scrog. But I didn’t exactly do the scrog right and idk how much of a fan o am of scrog. However I liked and enjoyed the lST so I was wondering if I had to transition into scrog.


I don’t use the SCROG technique. I Top and LST all photos and Autos, I like growing a variety of hybrids, Sativas and Indicas and need the freedom to move the plants as in putting shorter ones on booster seats so the canopy in the grow space is even for equal lighting or just generally move them around. You can control the height with topping and the width with LST by tieing the side branches down. All training techniques are designed to create an even canopy, air circulation, light penetration and to help with grow space maintenance. You don’t have to SCROG Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:


@OGIncognito I purchased a second bigger tent :sunglasses:
And moved that first plant over. The one I then started in that smaller tent I’ve sinced fimmed and did light LST. I’m liking that grow. That plants only like 3 to 4 weeks old tho (both are from seed)


Here I just did LST to create an evenish canopy without any SCROG. Pretty much cleaning underneath, bending and tying down to get the shape as @OGIncognito said above


My first scrog

The plant I’m doing light LST on


Great looking canopy and grow room Grow Bro :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


Off to a great start on the last pic LST :love_you_gesture:

Carcass pic


Thanks, that was last year April. I lost about 30% of those colas to bud rot, we had serious flooding and no electricity or water for almost a week. Had to put them outside for 5 days in 100% humidity. so sad! That’s my fav winner strain Blue Widow, such a forgiving strain lol.


I am plotting doing a few 1 plant scrogs soon. Got 3 over-grown mother plants about a week away from putting into flower. Cant wait for them to fill their pots with roots before flipping


You can do 1,2,5 plants in a 4x4 depends on how much time you want to invest. 2x4’s are easier, 2 seems to be the magic number here.

You got that training down to a science. :call_me_hand:t3: love seeing those pics


Appreciate the compliments Brother Low! I’ll try a net one day :joy::love_you_gesture:

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With training like that i don’t think you’d need to. Lol. Gorgeous work.

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