Do I have a deficiency or is she finishing flower?

Based on the research I have been seeing online shes simply finishing flower but I wanted to double check?

I have another of the same strain nice and green but shes still behind (the pistils are still very long


You still have a way to go from what i can see. She is hungry.


I would pull off all the dead and lifeless yellow leaves to make monitoring the issue less confusing.


Too early for the fade. Looks like it could use more N in the flower feed.

I spoke to the head of the cultivation team at my work. She said its about 2 weeks out based on the detailed photo’s ive sent.

I did buy some fox farm bloom dry fert and the first serving i think is starting to help.

It is close though.

I would say nowhere near close. Your buds are still stacking and fattening. The majority of your pistols are still long and white. Those all have to turn dark and curl back into the bud and then you would start looking at your trichome production. I’d say as of today you’re at least 3 weeks before even thinking that it’s done. I would continue to be patient and reevaluated in 3 weeks. You’ve gotten this far. Let her do the rest

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I gave everyone 2 teaspoons of that bloom fertilizer. Ive got 2 of the same going and the other is nice and green.

I am guessing the soil just ran out of nutes and needed a recharge.

Is this an indoor or outdoor grow?


And from the looks of it you have them buried in the ground not in a pot correct?

Nope fabric pots.

Where i live is adobe clay central so pots till next year :laughing:

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Yes, Clay is very difficult to grow almost anything but a giant tree. I have Clay here as well and can’t even do a vegetable fruit garden.

The fact that you’re in pots, you should be able to manage your food/nutrients that’s in your soil by the runoff numbers of your feeds.

Do you feed to run off and monitor your ppms and pH?