DLI excess or normal droppy leaves?

Amazing!! TY a lot for the advice, I´ll try this for sure!

@Formerbrew Really? they look a bit sad for me, but Im not very experienced :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank u anyway, good to hear that bro!

Watering cannabis is not on a schedule. Flood to drought and however long it takes for the pot to be light again is when you water. I have gone as many as 5 days without watering when she is in late veg/early flower. The amount she drinks is based on where she is and what she is doing in the grow.

They droop in the morning and in the evening before and after lights out but if she is still drooping several hours after lights on and the pot is light, that is a visual sign she is thirsty. Watering shortly after lights on is also what I do. With everything said and the perceived overall lost feeling you emit, you are doing great. Your plants look like they are being grown by a seasoned grower. Take that to heart and don’t try to fix what ain’t broken.


:heart_eyes: Glad to heara all this, thank you alot, I usually like to use the “weight” method but now, for the first time, its a 5 gallon pot (arround 22 liters of soil) and some rocks at the botton, thats it freak heavy, I lost the “weight sense” u know?

Its a 40x40 cm tent also, too dificult to handle the plant hehe.

Today ill water the baby and see what happens after 2/3 days and soon i´ll post here. Thank you for these words, I appreciate it.

I´ve started with autos and swichted for photos in the third run, but im going to travel in 50 days then I decided to try an auto again, autos are a bit more hard tbh, imo ^^’

Cya bro :wink:

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I do understand the weight issue in large pots. I grow in a 10 gallon and my weight test is a tipping test instead of lifting. I had been using 7 gallon as my final and could pick that up when light. Have a great weekend!!

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:smiley: wow, 10 gallon!!! haha amazing

Have a nice weekend too fella :smiley:

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@Pek 100% agree :love_you_gesture:

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Wasn’t getting the yield I wanted per grow since I have only been growing 1 at a time. Kept increasing the final pot. Here is my first harvest in the 10 gallon. Got almost 12 zips.
She was a beautiful bush during veg

and stacked up like crazy.


Bro, that looks wild! gosh… ty 4 share

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UHUU!!! :heart_eyes:

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wow, how many times did u defoliate them during flowering stage?

21 days after hedgehogs and again at 42 days and then only fans that were not doing their job or clogging up the center inhibiting air movement through the canopy.

Lollipopped and tied down since it is too big to scrog.


Uhh good to know, the 21st day never fail lol

Hey guys, here im again!

Plants looks like having slow growth tbh, and a bit ligh green. Im not sure its something with watering (overwater) or if they need more food (cal-mag and nit.)I keep watering every other day, ph 6.3.

Should I ldefoliate and Lollippoping already?

Top inch is dry, but the plant are not smeeling strong as the begginning :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Im planning to water again today, with more water and nutrients…

Hope those bottons get fatter :frowning:


They will definitely get fatter. They really get fat during the last 3 weeks when maturing. All I can say is at this point Patience is your friend and you will be rewarded in the end! That rhymed so it must be true!


U’re right! Patience is the key! Ty for advice my bro.


Hey there, let me ask u something…
Excess of CFM car hurt the plant? I mean… nu tent is very small, 40x40cm, 160cm tall, i have a fan inside and a exaust thats is very powerfull when 100%. I tryied to calculate but im not sure, cfm of my exaust is 181 m3/h / CFM on 100%.

Planta breath better or worst with excess? Should I dimmer down to 30%?

Is the fan inside 100% necessary to really small tents?

There is a fan outsite aiming the intake duct also :face_with_peeking_eye:

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@Pek While a fan blowing directly on the plants to hard can stress the plants… Exhaust will just provide fresh air… However… You want your vpd in range for your plants stage.

At the beginning of flower… 40 dli… More you’ll have to add CO2. AND 60% Humidity. About 80f temps. Tents aren’t really sealed, so adding CO2 isn’t really efficient nor effective.

Use your exhaust to provide fresh air and regulate your tents environment.

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Totally true! @Bonjoyle
Still have a few weeks on this one… But it’s so tricomey it makes you think… Is it ready already?


Very nice!

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