Defoliation for outrageous plant

so I have a plant that is extremely leafy. I cut 15 to 20 leaves off within a day or so you can’t even tell any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. Here’s a pic. The strain is forbidden cheetah piss crossed with white runts. Indoor with Coco jacks and auto watering AC Infinity pot stands
@DRsDank @Spiney_norman


Nice healthy plant, is it a auto?

If photoperiod take out about 25 of the bigger leaves. Especially the ones blocking bud sites then post another picture. We’ll go from there.


It is photo I’ll do that tonight

I’ll try to watch for it.

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WPM is usually not an issue with a plant in veg. I personally don’t do a defol until I flip to flower (day 21 flower), modified Jack’s with the ratio 2-2-2-1.2 (MKP) for 3 weeks then defol again at day 45. I just feel it gives the plant more of a leg up.


Trimming leaves is somewhat preference. I trim similar to @Myfriendis410, i dont take much before flipping the lights unless there are ventilation issues or if a large leaf is receiving little to no light(suckers). Remember your leaves produce energy, the more the merrier if there’s good airflow


Jacks is that shit tho love it

I would take out those little scragles in second pick. No need for little bud sites down there.
Other than that some of the big leafs on top that are laying on bud sites. Like this unless picture is deceiving. Thats just me though I like to open it up a little bit but thats just me.

Maybe some others to. You can see it better than me.
When are you going to flip?
How tall do you want it to be?

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Idk when I’m gonna flip I have an NL clone that is lagging behind probably going to go half my tent height so like 3 feet

Very healthy looking plant!

You should defoliate, prune, and train as needed for space, RH, mold, or any other concerns specific to you…you can do whatever is needed to healthy plants in decent environments.

This includes autos…those that say otherwise, have not been successful for other reasons, fwiw.

If that was mine (and an auto), it would get naked more than once, including into flowering:


Some plants just want to be bushes and some get that way due to environment/lighting, timing of topping if applicable, etc.:

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