I decided to move 2 plants outdoors and give the 1 with the incredibly beautiful structure the whole tent to see what she can do. She’s solid buds, top to bottom on every branch and looks like she will make a mountain of beautiful flowers so I moved the other two to the outdoors.
They’re much more leggy and branched, totally different than this one that is just buds top to bottom on every branch…Funny thing is, this plant is in the plastic pot and it’s the one that was yellowing badly a couple weeks ago. Now it’s the best looking plant by far in my eye…
You are going to want to net that plant. If you don’t it’s not going to support the buds it grows.
Nice. I just posted yesterday. You can always tie those up if they get heavy. Nice lookin plant.
Thanks, it is a cool looking plant! I’ve been concerned about the amount of yellowing of the leaves but it might be totally normal. The more I research the topic, the more confusing it gets. Some people claim that leaves should stay green until harvest in healthy plants and others say that yellowing leaves is a good thing and a sign that the plant is nearing harvest maturity.
Yeah. Can be. I posted in your other thread. I think your soil ran out of nutes. You could try some synthetic ferts in the soil and you might green up but I think the plant could use some more time.
I’ve been feeding jacks 3-2-1 when EC drops below 1,000. Last water was 850 so I fed to runoff today with 950 ppm and runoff was 1,400. I was seeing some burnt tips prior to the yellowing so I don’t think it was hungry.
It’s a nute lockout most likely
My plants are still very green at that stage but I’ve been really careful with ph as I had a similar issue last grow. I think that’s the most plausible answer. I really think if you run about 2 or 3 times container volume of plain ph water w calmag you’ll see recovery. Then you can run your nute solution in at 6.5-6.7 But I think you need to flush the soil. I would bet if you took some dirt out an inch down and mixed it w distilled water and tested the ph you would be surprised. You could also runoff and see where that test winds up.
I’ve monitored the runoff every watering for several weeks and it’s always 6.4-6.8. I really just assumed this was normal fade since they’re so close to finished but maybe not.
All good see post in other thread. Good luck. You’ll have a good harvest regardless.