I wouldn’t normally have 3 plants in a 2’ x 3’ tent but one thing led to another and now here we are. So, now I’ve got these three girls (Jack Herer Autos, about 40 days from sprout) all growing rapidly and am not sure what to do, it’s obviously getting pretty crowded in there. My choices are to move one (or 2) outside to a friends property where they’ll be at the mercy of the outdoor elements of the subtropics or to ride it out with all three in the tent. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Check out my last post. Same stuff. I had to thin the plants out.
I would give them all a good thinning out and let em rip. As long as you have good airflow.
Nice looking plants, as said a bit of trimming to do. The other thing I notice is a lack of some type of fan. Maybe they are in the tent, but I thought I would mention it. That tent is crowded, needs some air movement.
Those are some nice autos. If you abuse them you’ll be rewarded but i would it soon.
I’ve got a small fan up high blowing downward and another outside the tent pulling negative pressure through a carbon filter inside the tent, above the light, with the incoming air duct at the bottom/rear of the tent so it pulls in cool, dry air that flows upward through the plants toward the carbon filter.
What type of abuse are you suggesting?
Those 4 autos were crowding the 5 by 5 tent.
Start by cleaning up around the bottom of each plant closest to the pot. Toss all the yellow leafs. Overall plants look Healthy keep up the good work.
Thanks for the advice, I truly appreciate it! What is the reason for defoliating the lower portion of the plants? (assuming good air flow and no moisture/mold issues) My understanding is that the plants will do it themselves and reuse the nutrients in the lower leaves before shedding them.
It’s to force all the energy into the top colas and get rid of the little larfy buds that no one wants because they are usually hidden from the light.
Is there any science behind this though? I’ve seen it said many times, but I’ve also seen convincing data that shows that buds/flowers don’t need direct light, that they gather their energy primarily from the fan leaves which are the energy generators of the plant. And I’ve also seen data indicating that lower branches and “larfy buds” don’t take anything away from the upper portions of the plant. As if each branch and each bud carries it’s own weight and lower portions of the plant are not parasitic in nature to the upper portions. I’m not trying to be argumentative, just sharing my thoughts and observations on these topics.
Same here. Sometimes I do it, others I dont. Not really sure about science behind it or not.
Funny this comes up, I had the same challenge, just on a different scale.
Eventually reached this
@MyCologist The buds on the bottom will never get enough light to amount to anything. Better access for feeding and watering. Also start spreading the limbs out for better light penetration and air flow.
Happy growing
My last grow I was setting up a new tent i had a 400w above the one plant in a 4x4. The other plant was not under direct light. The buds grew ok from the amount of light, however it did not tighten up because of lack of direct light I guessing.
I know the buds at the bottom won’t amount to anything, but I’m not convinced that they’ll take anything away from the plant either. I think it probably makes more sense to remove the lower buds than it does leaves TBH, but I’m interested in hearing more. How do you propose I spread the limbs out? There’s nowhere to spread them to, lol.
@MyCologist I like to place bamboo sticks at a angle around the edge of the fabric pot As needed if you only pull the limbs a couple inches that’s a big help. Use small tie raps to hold in place.It also supports the large colas.
If you are questioning…why not experiment?
Take clones of the same mother and grow them out. Heavily defoliate one and leave the other…then compare the results. This is what i did.
And to the person that said “abuse your plants” … i’d classify that as bro science … actually I’d classify that as asinine.