Ok so my harvest is fully cured 60 days plus 30 days now. I used terpene bags which kept humidity at 58% until now humidity in bags at 49%. I did put half in mason jars. The ones in jars are still 58 %. So I think i should keep harvest in mason jars. Anyone else have this issue?
There have been a handful of posts about grove bags losing humidity when in low humidity environments. Mine do this as well.
Id use jars for long term storage or heat seal the grove bags. You can also toss the bags into a tote with the lid on to help. Id toss in a large boveda in the tote too. Makeshift humidor.
Mine have also lost humidity in a lower humidity environment. I switched to jars and no issues at all.
The Grove bags do tend to lose the RH over time. I find myself checking my bags once a month and I always have to adjust them. Sealing the bags has made no change whatsoever. They still lose the RH
Jars definitely seemed to work better for holding the humidity for me.
Put the bags in a air tight container like tupperware and put it in a freezer.