Can anyone please give a recommendation for a decent small capacity cloner ?
I didn’t really buy anything specialized when I was running clones. I just bought a tall seedling tray from Home Depot and it worked great. It’s been a few years. IIRC I just used Rockwool cubes in the seedling tray.
I personally use the clone king 36 site cloner. I got it on sale for the same price as the 24 site. I would like to find a really small cloner but they arent hard to make. How many clones are you looking to run at a time? The smallest i can find is a 7 site for probably $40-$45 shipped. You can easily get the parts to make an aeroponic or bubbler cloner. This site shows how you can build your own cloner
Slow but effective. Standard 10x20" tray covered with a 7" Mondi dome
Cells filled and packed firmly with good seedling mix. I think this is peat with perlite.
After preparing and soaking the cutting I literally stick them in the soil after I make whole with a pencil.
Coat the stem with rooting compound and some Great White in the whole first and cross your fingers.
I lost one out the 12 pictured above. I missed watering it.
A different batch of cuttings.
I intentionally did not up pot earlier because I did not have the space available.
I use the same set up for germinated seeds.
I have never used a hydro type cloner. I used to use the jiffy expandable peat pellet pods. But recently started using the Root Riot plugs, and they work great. Will work with soil or hydro, and doesn’t have the ph issues of the peat pellets. I just moist them with a mild nutrient solution. If you buy the Root Riot plugs in the tray. You can cut as many cells out of the tray as you want. Keeping the plug in the plastic cell that is made for it really helps.
For the first time I am having success cloning from a flowering plant.
@beardless, it is good to know that I can clone a flowering plant now, and keep a favorite plant genetics going. Here are a couple tips that I have picked up on.
1 Use the Root Riot plugs with root tone in it’s plastic cells, and put about 12 drops of nutrient solution on each.
2 Don’t use a humidity dome! It will cause the little bud to mold and rot. Just mist the clone a couple times a day to maintain it’s moisture level, and use the sprayer to keep the plug damp. Let everything above the plugs dry out between misting. Once the clone is transplanted, and the old bud starts to stretch out some, you can start using a dome.
3 Keep the light level low 10-15 DLI until the clone develops roots, then go to 25 DLI. In this picture, (7 days ago), the big plant is the clone from the previous posted picture. The little clones in bottom of the picture were the second time I used this method. But this time I had to keep the light cranked up for the larger plants, and the clones started to yellow. Since they couldn’t pick up enough nutrients without roots to keep up with the amount of light. I had to do some foliage feeding in order to keep them alive until they could root. They are now transplanted into solo cups, and starting to go on their own now.
Like stated above its rather easy to clone without a cloner just take your cutting at an angle then dip in rooting hormone and dust with some mycos. I got my big cloner and honestly have only used it 1x since the purchase. Now that im aware of the usage i would of got a small 12 site cloner. Ideally im not gonna need anything more than 20 plants at a time really so take all that into consideration before spending money on something thats easily done by hand and requires a bit more patience
Same one I have. Best device I bought.
I also have the same one but have only used it 1x so far lol
What brand did you say you had ?
@Lostplotter this was the one they posted and the same one I purchased also.
Clone king, the ebay link is not allowed here.