Hello !
Guys i kind of got me a hydroponic system for cloning and Im very new to this. I will like to know how often is the water pump should be on and off? Is a mist system with sprayers…thanks up-front
I turn mine on when I start the clones and turn it off when clones are rooted
I think @OGIncognito has one of these…tagging him in for you
24/7 for cloning Growmie. Appreciate the tag @Retiredoldguy
Same for me here.
Good Roots in 10 days.
Thanks @Oldguy and @OGIncognito for that…I just picked up a King Klone 36 from Marketplace for $40. Couldn’t really say no at that price, they run over $200 up here! And had lots of spare plugs with it too!
Now to drop some photo seeds today, then I’ll have some clones ready for outdoors in May/June!
Wow!! Nice find and sweet price
Thanks! I scored some thick plastic shelving and those stackable 1’x1’ Ikea cubes (9 of them) too just before Christmas for free, have the cubes in the cellar with my jars of weed in them! Each will easily hold a dozen jars with an oz in each, so enough storage for 6 pounds in a nice dark, 50-60 degree environment. And the plastic shelves are perfect in the garage for stacking tools and stuff on (they are 18"x36" thick plastic)
I only use Facebook for the marketplace…never posted or commented on anything there. I personally hate social media, exception being weed forums!
I gave up FB about 3 years ago but might have my wife do some shopping