What do you suggest I start with for cloning?

I am looking at getting the supplies I need to clone from a mother plant. Which cloner would you pick up from amazon, if any?

Any tips/tricks or special “sauce” for success? The last few times I tried didn’t work out for me but then again all I used was closing gel and a humidity dome. In one of @Storm post I was reading up on those things had some serious roots coming out of them and would like to arm myself with known good tools and advice. I’m still reading around but I would appreciate any input.

I don’t use a cloner. I just use a deep seedling tray with Rockwool cubes.

Maintain high humidity in the seedling tray (or cloner) and the rockwool cube should be only slightly wet. Expect significant drooping until the clone establishes a root system.




Do you use any type of cloning gel or anything or just simply rockwool cubes and stick the stem in?

Last time I used 1/4th strength nutes in the water with rapid rooter in a tray with lid. The Rapid rooter was sitting in about 1/4 inch of the water, hoping it would wick some up but not so much it causes issues. I would snip, dip in cloning gel, stick in the rapid rooter and put the lid on the dome.

Never saw a root pop out until they died.

This may have been my issue, I will try again with what I have going now without it sitting in water. Should I use some sort of cloning solution though?

I use Clonex.


I use a square 1. Super easy. Clonex in water.


I used HORTIPOTS Aeroponic Cloner… Amazon.com : HORTIPOTS Aeroponic Cloner Machine 24 Site for Cuttings Rooting Using 2 inch Neoprene Inserts or 2 inch Clone Collars : Patio, Lawn & Garden
It works great! Next time ill.use clonex gel but it worked fine without it. Took an extra week for solid rootz tho. Used clonex nutes and rezclear to control bacteria. Worked like a charm 95% of my clones rooted.


I have the smaller 7-hole version of this, and it’s sweet. I add some clonex to RO water at pH 5.8-6.1. Then set it and forget it


@Bubblegumfreak Clonex is what I use it works really well my friend happy growing


Thank you to all.

I purchased some stuff and we’ll see how it goes. I also went with the clonex feeding solution as well as the cloning gel. Is there a specific spot on the branch that it should be cut, or at a certain angle or anything like that?

I’m going to practice a bit before I actually need to clone so I can have some experience under my belt at that point. I will use an auto-flower I have growing that I don’t really care about to practice, all I need to see is some roots form then I’m golden. Of course I will be cloning Photo periods when I get there.

From reading I see I should keep the humidity about 75RH for them until roots form. It looks like some people clip the leaves for some reason ( not the whole leaf, but like the tips). Is there a reason for that?

Sorry for all the questions, The first couple times I tried I didn’t have any results so I just want to get it right.

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With most types of plants (not cannabis) you cut the stem about 10mm below a leaf node. The node is the fatter bit on the stem where the leaves come out. Most plants produces leaves or roots at the nodes.

Cannabis plants will produce leaves at the nodes but can produce roots at the nodes and also on the straight part of the stem. So for cannabis you can cut the stem anywhere and they develop roots on any part that gets wet.

You don’t have to cut on an angle or anything weird. Just use a clean pair of sharp scissors and cut it at a 90 degree angle to the stem (straight across). If you are taking cuttings from different plants, sterilise the scissors between plants so you don’t transfer viruses, bacteria or fungus from one plant to the other. Plants can carry these diseases and not show symptoms so use some 60% alcohol on a tissue and wipe the blades between plants.

Cuttings should be put into a container of water straight away and left there for 15-30 minutes before dipping in a cloning liquid or gel and put into a seed raising mix or aeroponics cloner. Remove the lower leaves so 3-4 inches of stem is free of leaves. Dip the bottom 1-2 inches of the stem into the cloning gel or powder and then put the cutting into the cloner or potting mix. With aeroponic cloners, put the foam collar about 2 inches above the base of the cutting. You want about 2 inches of stem under the foam collar and the roots will grow on that 2 inch section.

I use a 1/4 strength liquid fertiliser in the aeroponics cloner. The spraybar in the cloner will wash off most of the cloning gel but i still use the cloning gel as well.

I don’t use a cover on the aeroponic cloner. The plants generally don’t need it and if they start to wild, i make sure the spray bar is working properly and if it is, I use a spray bottle with tap water and spray the leaves a couple of times a day for a few days (until they stop wilting).

Under good conditions, cuttings will have a decent root system in 2 weeks and should be planted up then.

The reason people cut the leaves is to reduce the area the plant loses moisture from. It’s not necessary if the cutting is in water (like in a cloner). If you are putting cuttings into a seed raising mix or potting mix and it only has a couple of leaves, you don’t need to trim them. If the cutting has lots of leaves you can remove some of the lower leaves, which is preferable to cutting the leaves in half.

This is a tip for taking cuttings from any type of plant.
The parent plant should be watered and fertilised regularly for at least 2 weeks (preferably a month or more) before taking cuttings. If you take cuttings from plants that haven’t been watered for a while, they will be suffering from drought stress and the cuttings usually fail.

In addition to that, try to water the plant a couple of hours before taking the cuttings. This allows the plant time to suck up a heap of water and nutrients and put it in the leaves and stems. When you take the cutting a few hours later the cuttings have the nutrients and water in them and will do better than cuttings taken from a dry plant.

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There are plenty of YouTube videos showing how to make an aeroponics cloner and they usually cost a lot less than buying a brand name cloner.

Technically the aeroponic cloners being sold are a hybrid hydroponic/ aeroponic system. They have around 4 inches of water in the bottom of the container for a water pump to spray water around the base of the cuttings. The rest of the container is air, which provides lots of oxygen to the roots. The combination gives good results and most aeroponic cloners give a 90-100% strike rate on cuttings.

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