Chlorine/ Chloramine

Thats awesome right there!


Heck yeah! I know the water here sometimes smell like fish and other times smells like bleach! Thatā€™s all after that winner freeze when we had no power and the water treatment plants were down

I was considering an undersink ro system but that wastes a s**t load of water. I saw it takes 3 gallons to make oneā€¦? The rest goes down the drain, literally. That on the faucet thing looks perfect.

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Thatā€™s awesome!!!

Yeah that is a lot of a wasted water! If that filter on the Fossett takes out all that junk from the water that would save so much money and time in the long run! Buying cases of bottled water and having to adjust the pH is a real bitch at times and adds up$$$!!

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I have a ā€œglacierā€ water dispenser near me. $1 for 5 gallons. Nice and all but lugging big ass blue water jugs once a week into my house, for all to see, is getting old. I imagine the filter for it is the costly part butā€¦ discretion is nice too

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Plus the cost of pH ups and downs, nutrients, cal/mag, etcā€¦

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Heck yeah I hear you bro! We have a little windmill dispenser like two blocks away but the way I see it is itā€™s still coming from the city of Houston and I donā€™t trust the water or the person that is supposed to come change the filter on that dispensary LOL

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Iā€™ve been testing it when I get home and it seems to be fairly consistent. But then again, its not always in operation. Not sure if it runs out when its no longer filtered but for some reason about once a month the lil screen says expired and doesnā€™t work. But Iā€™m considering mixing city with the ro stuff. Next grow. Do a little trial before probably

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Yeah just be careful when youā€™re going to use Your city water, try to find out whatā€™s in it if you can or just test it because that chlorine chloramine will wreak havoc on your micro organisms

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I have been working relentlessly on that part too. But I also love to ā€œtestā€ things out. Might try it on the wives house plants firstā€¦ insert evil laugh

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Wow, wives?! Iā€™m in AZ not Utah autocorrect! Wifeā€™s. Hahahaha!

No offense Utah :roll_eyes:

Stick with something that has no issues and helps both plants and soil.
Humic and or Fulvic acid.


So I used to live in So Cal (near @Not2SureYet) and had to deal with high TDS muni water. Chlorinated no chloramines. The TDS was 550 out of the tap so any kind of hydro really pushed me into going R/O. @Not2SureYet has mixed 50/50 with street water and R/O for some of his grows. I just went ahead and used straight R/O water with the D/I filter for chlorine. I also ran into a 30 gallon barrel and drew from that so it was allowed to ā€˜restā€™ after being made.

The issue is; say youā€™re running GH nutes in an RDWC. 900 ppm is your target. If your base water is already at 550 you donā€™t have a lot of room for good salts as itā€™s all additive. So you have to decide based on your style of growing what will work best for you.

I will say that running R/O did give me peace of mind.


Mine ranges from 500ā€™s to high 800ā€™s daily. S**T water for sure. No room to add anything


Lmaooo :joy:

I didnā€™t see the GH part. If you are running that. You definitely should be using this. It makes a big difference. As @Myfriendis410 mentioned. I went as far as running 50/50 tap and RO water. I may have to do that again in my next grow since I am starting to go through a lot of water again. I use the hard water micro when blending the water

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@Myfriendis410 Hey there, Ive been trying to bubble out chlorine only to look online and find out st Louis uses chloramine. Ive read you can install systems to remove it, but Iā€™ve also read that its not enough in the water to harm the plants. What say you?

Last run I bubbled the water, which does nothing to chloramine (which is by design). My plants seemed healthy enough, so I am guessing its not that harmful.

Sometimes I feel you can overthink these things. For example, I switched to using RO for some seedlings, now some of them have a few deficiencies. Net net is maybe if it aint broke, donā€™t fix it. Just trying to optimize things and learn along the way. Thanks for all who contributed on the thread!


I would use some vitamin C powder about 40 mg per gallon I believe.You can use ascorbic acid also it just doesnā€™t dissolve as well.