Cherry Limeade with sour blueberry frosting
Made these with the Levo and gummy machine.
A little more bud porn…
I checked trichomes. Def within window, but im letting em go a few more weeks. I want some couch lock stuff… bring on the amber!
Well my my youngest daughter saved my life and our house
Just by asking me to take her to school so she wouldn’t have to wait in the cold 28 degrees for the bus
If it would have any of my sons I probably would have told them put a jacket on and went back to sleep
Went out to Warm up the car came back in smelling electrical burning smell turn a corner following my nose and see the plug glowing
The breaker didn’t trip till I pulled the half plugged cord out
Fkn dollar socket almost almost cost me big
Glad everyone is ok.
Dayum… lucky. Bet it stunk to high heaven too
Touchdown Notre Dame! Weird saying that since im a SEC guy. Really wanted to see Notre Dame and Texas go at it, but its Ohio State
Yep and I changed to a gefi style with trip rest built in the socket and wired it with the screws instead of quick wired like it was
I chewed my sons out
if they would have used 1or3 of the many power strips I have laying around instead of stretching orange extension cord’s across the house for a space heater
I mean I even have big surge protectors for electronics that have built in 30mins backup batteries you think they grab one of those
at lest for their Xbox and PlayStation
But no no plug your pride in joy into a thin white extension cords and 3way adapters straight in the wall
If those cords would have melted there world have been rocked
Glad everything is okay. Lesson learned. Even the threat of fire is very unsettling.
Just cant like this post… browns are a lost cause this is all we have
True that but my father seems to keep coming out of me the older I get and it’s always after the fact
But true that
I get pretty upset with mine too. To the point of feeling shameful, if thats what you mean? I always come back and apologize but explain why I get so upset.
Heres the nursery… going to send on some sex tests in a few days. Prob take clipping this weekend… two weeks on the Northern Lights in the clear solo cups…
Trump and Ivanka showing off their colors!
Funny I sent 8 samples to them earlier today
Impressive as always Chitty. Keep kicking it brother.