What chall think ? Enough for some gummies
Well i got tired of waiting on the Levo so i decarbed 3gs of dab at 200°F for 2 hours and mixed it in and made these! Move over Betty Cracker and smellllll what chittys been cookin…
Wife calls the onez i make in the mold like the pink one loopy’s cause they do!
So the 200°F at 2 hours did the trick… what i really like is its more body high than head high… but if you eat a big one… hang on… Save Me Peter Pan!
Lookin’ great… and respect for helping a friend in need - that’s the way you roll, Chitty!
Knock knock chitty bang bang just checking in on you
Sooo how many of those gummy’s did you actually eat at one time brother
And tell gator to stay out the mail box I know those are his teeth marks on the empty I got
I’ll be watching you in the grow off👍
Like the old lady from down the block when you we’re playing outside as a kid
que the sting music every move u make every step you take
Im kickin chickens! Bak bak!
Got everyone transplanted… most of the bus is close to being done. Woot woot !
Im always watching
Why don’t you enter more BOM contests?
You’d for sure be in the BOM HOF by now!
Lol. Cause with BOM it has to be ILGM beans lol. These are all Nerds. Thankee for the compliment tho
Thank you Cowboy bob!! I think i got that name right
I’m waiting on chitty bang bang to make a bud porn calendar or at least some posters
I will put next to the poster I got from the book fair in elementary
Sorry, had a snow day so i had to go make a snow angel…
Damn I see why you’re wife hasn’t ever left ain’t a piece of wall left for any other man on earth find
I Bet all your childrens deliveries went smooth feet first and all
Chitty bang bang out here giving women hysterectomy’s since 14
I pass the torch to you brother man.