This is a contest for people to vote on their favorite thread/journal floating around ILGM. This was a contest our late member @Ebb suggested.
Each thread must be nominated by a member who isn’t the author of the thread. Links to the journal will be needed so folks can check out each journal should they choose. This is a way to reward those who contribute here often with a little prize (USA ONLY right now).
Nominations will be accepted through the 20th of the month and then a voting period of 7-10 days to follow.
Please keep all side conversations in the “Contest Chat Room” thread. Let’s have fun with this contest everyone!
Im nominiating @kaptain3d its like walking into an adult candy store…
Split this topic
July 1, 2023, 1:36pm
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Contest Chat Room
I nominate @merlin44
I have not posted on my plants for sometime. My new grow is comprised of three plants, White Widow, Purple Haze and Super Silver Haze.
Grow Comparison Update:
The two photos are of my current (2nd) grow and my first grow, both at 31 days from sprouting.
The difference between the two grows is stunning!
Original Grow At 31 Days Old
Hazy Lazy Grow At 31 Day Old
The difference in growth and development is clear from the photographs.
To contr…
And Pappy Le Pew… aka @Oldguy
Hi all. Just wondering if anyone has seen this before. [image]
Were started 10 days ago. They are still in domes and the rest seem to be progressing well. Just this lil one seems to be different. It was the last seed to pop a tail of the 6 I started.
Here’s the rest.
I’m in pro mix. Temps have been 28-30 deg c. Moistened soil when I put the pods into cups 2 days ago but not very wet.
Any help @MattyBear . @Covertgrower . @Liljoe . And anyone else that may have seen this. Thanks all. P…
I would like to nominate @ChittyChittyBangin and his thread of awesomeness:
Welp, ive decided to start a grow journal on a new grow i started. This grow around im growing Graysin Farm’s Peanut Butter Haze x2, Peanut Butter Maramlate x 1 , and Peanut Butter Kool Aid Breath x 2. As always i soak in a 3 part H20 1 parts H202 solution for 8 to 10 hours. With these i had taproots peeking within 8. I planted directly into Coast Of Maine seedling starter soil using Burpee trays with the silicon bottoms. Within 3 days all seeds had popped soil. I have placed them under a 32 qt…
The knowledge, fun, and beautiful pics we all gain and get to browse is awesome.
my July nomination is for @Newt , lots of great information and fun to boot!
Growing became legal here on 7/1.
In prep I got a grow tent kit , and got it all setup. On 7/5 1 got 2 clones from a friend, 1 - Kandy Kush, 1 Girl Scout Cookies
Let them grow (no training) while I was waiting on some supplies to get my own clones growing, so they got a little big. Switched to flower schedule on 7/23 , so they have been on 12/12 for 15 days. Here’s how they are looking:
KK on the left, GSC on the right
KK Budlet:
GSC Budlet:
I’ll have to contemplate my other nomination, @kaptain3d has already been nominated.
Here is a link to his journal (one of them) so that folks can check it out:
Good morning friends!
This will be a place where I’ll torture my plants. Do some extreme High Stress Training… and generally try crazy things… Not for the faint of heart!
I’ve been jonesing for plants to train and “play” with…
So I did a thing…
On the left: Super Lemon Haze
On the right: Tangie
Both are feminized and will be Flèched
A few tags to get the ball rolling… Please don’t be insulted if I miss you, everyone is welcome!
@AfgVet @…
Split this topic
July 1, 2023, 6:33pm
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Contest Chat Room
I know this is a fairly new thread and not necessarily a journal so to speak. But I feel it is a wealth of information and would like to nominate @Nicky
This is a fun thread, let’s try and keep it cannabis related though.
If your here it’s because you are wondering something… Do you not fully understand something? Have a tough question? Or a topic that doesn’t get spoken to much on the forums that you can recall?
Let’s get into the weeds, not sure what the ideal is of something, or why everyone is saying to do this or that?
Well here is your chance, you ask anything and I will answer it. If you stump me I would be more than excited to say so …
Its a toss up for me, between @ChittyChittyBangin and @kaptain3d because these guys have stuck in there for me so far and dealt with my scatter brain potting soil mixes… im all over the board with my 6 plants…lol… but these guys take the patience out and try to help me along. I’d have to lean more towards @ChittyChittyBangin because he has given me alot of good ideas so far.
Yes, @ChittyChittyBangin your notifications just dinged 3 times in a row because i tagged you . …lol… sorry…
I’m nominating @Low and @OGIncognito both of their threads are enjoyable for me
I guess you mean these guys???
New run and post started. Line up the same as the last one…just without the Thrips.
Day 1 of Veg:
3 Sour Diesels and 2 Northern Lights. The NLs broke ground a little mutated on the cotyledons.
Much appreciated Matty and truly humble by yourself and @kaptain3d
@Newt is the flower man.
@kaptain3d is the joker, I mean ace.
@merlin44 is the sorcerer.
@Low is the smoking king.
@MeEasy is the master.
@MattyBear makes it easy for us rookies.
Great crowd, but tough choice!
July JOM Vote
Voting will be open until the end of the month, spread the word and get your vote in!
Poll closes in 12 hours!!!
Congrats sir @kaptain3d on the win! We will try and figure a way for you to get your prize up in Canada
Congratulations @kaptain3d . Your journaling informs and entertains us on a daily basis. Thank you for all that you contribute to our community.
Congratulations @kaptain3d