Check this out found these guys in the 4x4

so i have a duct that sucks air in from outside and nothing but these spiders have made it in through the screen lol so any ways i let them live in there for a few days and today i built my guys some little terrariums


Oh puck, I’d have to move after the fire!


Nope nope nope.

I don’t mind tiny spiders, but if they’re big enough for me to look them in the eye…nope.


theyre both smaller than my fingernail @Drinkslinger they also dont bite people idk why and they kill any insect around them even if its just for sport.


If they ate thrips, aphids and fungus gnats I could be swayed.

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im sure the babies do

they eat fruit flys so i dont see why not

@Dirt, And their webs capture dust, lol. I kill the widows, and funnel spiders though.

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Honestly, spiders don’t bother me too much, until I unknowingly walk through one of their webs …

Then it’s.


ive broken a few paiirs of glasses like that lol


@Drinkslinger Ahhhh thats funny. Got a good laugh from that.

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It’s only funny until you get cobwebs on you.

I have a hard enough time dodging all the lights. There’s one that gets me every fu$&ing time.


@Drinkslinger So true, a feeling you always remember.

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The old joke is everyone learns Kung Fu fast when walking thru a web… It’s so true too! My wife spaz’s at a daddy long leg - historical. I don’t mind them at all. But roaches - Hell NO


I hate spiders, we have spiders big enough to walk your dog. Did I mention I hate spiders

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I never ever have roaches a thought till one night I’m in bed, in a camp, in the middle of the African jungle. The light is on and something caught my eye. It was a roach, easily 3 maybe 4 inches long running along the ceiling. My blood ran cold. I grabbed a tin of Dr death and chased it. Finally caught and unleashed this :poop: on it. When I was finished It was white. It just sat there pissed off and looking at me hissing. Launched out the door it was.

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We have WOLF spiders down here (look um up) I’d take on a pit bull before messing with them! Last one that we found in the house I went into the room with a 410 shotgun and a football helmet (I figured I could replace the drywall.)