A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.
“The seeds are having a challenge shedding their seed hull please advise”
A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.
“The seeds are having a challenge shedding their seed hull please advise”
Very lightly and gently pull the seed hull off.
What’s your humidity like?
Would that be a result of too high or too low humidity? Seeing something similar myself
That’s happened to me before. I use some tweezers and gently remove. Be sure to get the membrane off it too. If it loois like the membrane is still on inise a spray bottle to wet it and let it soak for a few
Minutes and then gently peel it off.
Humidity 40
Seedings too fragile to pull, will raise humidity, I have a chart. Thank you, that’s makes sense
Gardening Cheers
Great after I raise humidity, if still there I will perform a
Hull pendectomy, giggles
Bountiful Harvest
Raise your humidity thats likely the reason this is happening
I’m on it humidity up to 44, will keep you guys posted!
Please do as seedling you should be,going for 65-75% humidity you can go as high as 80% with seedlings
I’m on it,
hey ILGM Moderators/staff
Thank You, I am growing for family members & closest friend. Most of the
prescribed meds too many side effects or too expensive.
Cheers from The Baby Boomers, smiles