My plant hasn’t grown much in the last week or two. What are these spots? Should I use Neem oil? Or a calcium or sulfur deficiency? If so what do I need to get. First time grower. Outside plant!
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Bugs or white mold is my guess, I’m no expert by any means
Definitely looks like bugs to me as well. What kind? Im not sure. But scour over n under every leaf. Preferably with a scope around.
Sorry im not more help
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Leaf spot perhaps?
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Thrips. Check for thrips. I had them, not fun.
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What is that?
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A bug. Evil little s
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I looked it up and saw one today and killed it. Little terd. When using neem oil, how should I apply it for best results? Thank you guys so much!
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Whats the ratio of neem to water?
I would double check the instructions, I think it was 1:64 doesn’t take much.
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Couple tablespoons in a spray bottle.
I don’t use it, sorry.
I think it’s like two table spoons for a gallon of water. I will have to double check.