Can chicken poop replace Bat guano in a super soil mix?

Okay my go to mentor for soil questions is or was Garrigan and my soil mix is based on his super soil mix . My question is since we moved to the country I now have about 15 Chickens at between 8 to 10 lbs of chicken droppings a month prr chicken and every farmer around screaming the chicken poop is garden gold can it replace the bat guano in a super soil without causing a problem

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@Budbrother might be able to help with that.
Welcome back old timer…:wink: :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

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@HappyHydroGrower thanks it was a forced time out due to moving as far away from a town as was practical and my phone had terrible reception and no internet till now and thanks for tagging
Budbrother for me . After being gone for over a year I have no idea who is still active . Hope your grows are going smooth


Okay sorry for not tagging you guy’s in the question 2 posts up . You don’t know how good it is to be able to get back on here. @Myfriendis410 @yoshi @ktreez420 @FloridaSon

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I was just about to say @Myfriendis410 might know or know somebody that does.

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Yes so can seabird guano. Chicken poop is hot as a firecracker wet, it needs to be dried first. I won’t use it in any outdoor gurilla grow though as everything eats chicken and one whiff of chicken gets your Skunk#1 dug up by an array of varmits looking to eat some chicken.


@2GreenThumbs thank you they have a place in the garden that has a six foot fench around it to keep the deers out and my chicken coop is a 10 x12 shed that is a part of a larger fenced in area it is pretty hard for anything to get in my garden as it was a chicken run first I put chicken wire flat on the ground all around the outside and my grass just grew it to the ground so the fox and racoons couldnt dig under to get my wifes chickens which I would have to listen to the crying over. Lol thank you again for your answer

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What part of the gulf coast are you from? I was born and spent the first 43 years in Clearwater Fl. All of central Florida was the stomping grounds


I use chicken poop in my mix but its gotta be composted for like 6 months so it doesn’t burn the hell out of your plants. Once its composted it doesn’t attract animals.

Whether you should sub chicken poo for bat poo depends on what type of bat guano you’re talking about. Some is high in N, some is high in P. Chicken Poo can sub for High N Bat Guano but its way hotter so you gotta use less.


I have used chicken poop alot and it is excellent! But it has to be a CPL years old or more cause it will burn them up! If will make a plant thrive! Did you know the biggest outdoor plant that I ever grew was from old old human waste! Yes I know sounds sickening! But they are a small waste plant below my house and I noticed everything was green and thriving! So I went and got a CPL buckets of this dirt and it produced me a 14 ft high plant! When I cut it I still had way over a month to grow! But I was afraid some one would find it! True story


Ain’t that some shit.


Lol! Yes it is! That’s for the birds

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Hahaha yes! :joy: #2 is my #1 fertilizer

We’re a generally well fed species, I’m sure our dung is quite nutritious.

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I give ours a year.
No big deal once you get past the first year and keep the compost pile filled.


If you have never tried it and you live in an area with Japanese Beetles,
Hang a beetle lure that attracts Japanese beetles to your chickens. Hang it high enough they cant grab it.
They will eat those guys right out of the air.
Nothing so satisfying as watching those green pests get gobbled up and made into eggs.
I have an old video somewhere if I can find it I will post it.


That’s awesome. Also I’m glad I no longer live in an area with Japanese beetles.

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Not to bad this year. Some years it looks like a plague from the bible.


This is the year of the grasshoppa! They are eating up everything but don’t seem to like cayanne pepper mixed with water.

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You find that video?

Not yet, I think its on an old cell phone I had before this one.
But here is one from youtube that is very similar.