Burning tips on leaves

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum (and to growing) but was recommend it from the lit farms discord, I’ve been posting on there too much lol, but I have so many questions. Some of my plants started to burn at the tips, I believe it was because my lights were too close but I just want to double check and make sure that’s the case!
Here are some pics


It’s a sign of too much nutrient, they look healthy I would just skip a feeding.


Nothing to be to concerned with if this is all it is.

A little tip burn tells us she has plenty to eat :sweat_smile:
Whats she growing in and have you been feeding her yet? If so what how often?


If I flushed with ph balanced water yesterday do you still think that’s the case?

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I use cal mag, and the general hydroponics trio (grow, bloom, and micro.) with a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide on average every 2-3 days. The soil i use is promix, and everything is ph balanced with a general up/down

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Flushing isnt needed, flushing is only really needed to fix nutrient lockout due to salt build up.
First thing is just relax and breath your plant looks extremely healthy and i see no reason to do anything to fix anything at this point.

You definitely found the best group of people to help with solid advice, just sit back, burn one and see what others say :grin:

Painted finger nails this is referred to and many growers like seeing a little burn to let them know they are pushing their plants to the max :+1:


So GH trio and just promix?
No organic matter at all?
Well and cal-mag.

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I haven’t really heard of organic matter, could you elaborate??

And funny enough I just graduated from college and had to quit smoking so i can get a biotech job so this one’s for the love of the game sadly

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Generally, burned tips is little excessive on the nitrogen. What alot of people overlook is it can possibly be too much light to. Its hard to definitively say for sure. Light burn has alot of different looks you would need to google to see what i mean. Another sign to of too much light is the added need for more magnesium, and i can see the start of that as well. The slight yellowing between the veins. If its too much light, it will slowly get worse. If its only nitro tox in the mildest manner then you will be just fine. I would measure your ppfd and let us all know how much you are giving your girls


Im just here for the comments :slight_smile:



They’ve been growing like crazy, and we didn’t realize how close the plants had gotten to the light over that last day. The ppfds when we measured earlier we’re around 1000-1100(way too high), but I raised the lights and dropped the ppfds to around 700-850.

and you think i need to add more magnesium?

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In this context I basically asking is it just the promix and not mixed with “dirt” or soil. .
Organic matter is anything liveing like things in soil.

I grow exclusively with a sterile system useing GH and coco-coir with h2o2. I’ve used promix instead of coco-coir but i like the coco-coir better.

But useing promix, you can actually use a high fertigation method and feed them every day wuth a nutrient solution.
I have some custom ratios I’ve used for many grows, some documented here if you want to nose through my profile…

But if you forget what the trio bottles say and use my recipe, you can feed every day makeing sure to get good runoff every watering. But i promise it works and is super easy…

Hopefully you can make sense of my notes :sweat_smile:

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Do i think you need more magnesium? It depends on how much u were giving. The problem with calmag is if you are giving extra to them it will actually block your pk nutrients, so be cautious on how much u give. Everything needs to be balanced. As far as 1100 ppfd, yes thats too much imo, i hear alot of guys running really high ppfd but u need a perfect environment with heavy feed and co2. Imo i like to stay between 900-950 ppfd.

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This is the spreadsheet i’ve been using for my first grow! but your notes are beautiful!

so you think i should be watering every day with sufficient run off?

Poseidon has a very good point! Light burn can look like many different things, led technology is powerful these days and hot spots can cause problems.