Bud worms are killing me

What is best method to keep from having bud worms destroy your crop.


Plant covers to keep Louper moths off of your plants.

Spray alternating weeks using two products: ‘Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew’ (Spinosad) and ‘Safer Caterpillar Killer’ (BtK). They each target different pest vectors and it seems the Safer spray puts the whip on caterpillars and worms.

You should plan on doing a bud wash at harvest and pick apart your colas to look for any dead caterpillars.


Would this work on my girls im finding inchworms on them


That’s all I use for pest control. It works for me.

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Don’t spray that on your buds. Only in veg

Why?.. i have never used anything on them but i just pulled off 5 inchworms off …i use this spray for my veggie garden even during blossoming with no problems. I never used and chemicals on my girls bit was just thinking :thinking:

For Mites and such use Captain jacks dead bug concentrate not the tomato and vegetable spray from Home depot. Use Monterey BT for caterpillars and use your eyes and fingers to search and destroy. I use both as a preventive. If I find caterpillars I pick them off and do a thorough search. Then spray with BT everyday for 3 or for days then switch to CJDB for 3 to 4 days then back to BT. You can use a blacklight to help find caterpillars.

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Captian jacks and BT are harmless to people and animals they can be used right up to harvest



Yeah i rather pick them off myself …:rofl:and i didnt buy the tomato & vegetable spray at home depot i got at my local hydro store (its not just for cannabis anymore):joy:but im sure they sell the same products. Im sure the deadbug and bt they sell in both stores are the same products. . But i was just worried about the caterpillars i may have miss because im growing outdoors


This is why i was asking i like researching b4 i use anything and get feed back from this wonderful world of growers we have here


I grow outdoors too and have had some pretty bad caterpillar problems over the years. Dead bug comes in concentrate same with the BT. A few years ago I tossed what would have been maybe 2lbs dried from one plant killed maybe 100 caterpillars between my fingers, I cut off every cola and every bud at the ends of every branch on that plant by week 8 of flowering left all the larf to finish. I had and the Captian jacks tomato & vegetable
hand sprayer. No way could’ve I sprayed all my plants with that little bottle. It wouldn’t lasted a week. I had 10 other plants that had either none or very few caterpillars. I was lazy that year and wasnt paying attention and didn’t start the Bt until it was too late. Now I use both CJDB and BT as a preventative and search for signs of caterpillars. https://www.amazon.com/Monterey-704596-Caterpillar-Killer-Pesticide/dp/B00ANT611U/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1RZVQ38ZCS8HS&keywords=monterey+bt&qid=1693774502&sprefix=monter%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-2#


This was 2021

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The only sure way to prevent pests outside (other than aphids) is to use a plant protective cover. It’s a fine-mesh screen that won’t interfere with light but prevents adult insect pests from laying eggs on your plants. It is 100% effective at that.

You do not want to spray anything but Spinosad and/or BtK. Find a product that doesn’t have any other contents. Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew is one and like I stated, Safer is the other. I’ve seen CJDB at WalMart in the form you want to use. The product you put up has both sulfur and pyrethrins in it which is a no-go.


I didnt post the product. I told them not to use. Thank you though for the info.


Captain jacks Dead bug and Tomato & Vegetable are not the same. CJTV does not have spinosad in it. Copied from the internet. " Spinosad is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that can be toxic to insects. It is a mixture of two chemicals called spinosyn A and spinosyn D . It is used to control a wide variety of pests. These include thrips, leafminers, spider mites, mosquitoes, ants, fruit flies and others." Captain jacks Tomato and vegetable uses Sulfer and pyrethrens.

Montery BT is similar to Spinosad its a bacterium that affects the insects digestive system. Stolen from the internet. " OMRI Listed Monterey Bt Liquid Concentrate is a biological insecticide whose active ingredient is the beneficial bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strain SA-12 (Btk) . This biopesticide works by introducing bacterial spores and toxins into the body of the insect larvae as it feeds on foliage."


Thank you thats why i didnt use it after reading the ingredients and getting further information on them. Like i said i dont spray them because of the harmful chemicals @plumbdand i appreciate the info you passed on but for now ill just keep plucking away and hope for the best…happy growing


Have you heard of Purecrop1 its plant based it might help. If you start seeing bud leaves turning orange and brown starting from the inside of the bud outward towards the tips of the leaves. Pull on one of those leaves if it falls right without any effort. Break open the bud and youll find a caterpillar and bud rot.

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Whatever you use don’t use neem oil, that stuff made me sick… at least I thought