Blueberry OG & Master Kush OG. Aero System V2

Sometimes you gotta apply a little out of the box ingenuity. My first light prop was a collapsible bed frame :joy:


Haha thats awesome.

The poles on top of my current system are from a corner computer desk lol. The 2 skinny ones are actually 2 pieces each screwed together that came out almost to the same height as the fatter ones, when put together.

And the sliding bracket holding the water floats is part of a tv tray for the car. One of those ones that attach to the headrest on the back of the front seat lol

Some times holding onto stuff pays off :joy: honestly love repurposing stuff.

I was so worried about contamination that i put potable water safe epoxy over every screw holding the poles in, and then put fishtank safe adhesive over the epoxy. Did the same thing with the headrest bracket lol

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Same lol. Makes me feel a little more resourecful


And smart :grin:


Ill tell ya what manā€¦it feels so good having a mixture of genetics to go to nowā€¦actually makes me happier than i realized it would. When i had the etsy seeds and i found the fem blueberry og seeds i felt like someone who was experimentingā€¦but now that i have 10 seeds each of 3 different strains, while growing 2 other strains (even tho i only have a couple sativa seeds and no blueberry seeds left), i feel like a legitimate grower now.

Plus i can enter ilgm contests with the new strains. Dont think ill be winning anything, but at least im able to try now.


It really is kind of a neat feeling having a little collection of seeds. I have 6 or 7 photo strains and 3 auto strains. Well 2 auto strains. Iā€™m giving away the last seed of the auto strain Iā€™m growing now. 2 duds, 1 dwarf only produced 12 gā€™s. Itā€™s the only strain I have not from ILGM. All ILGM seeds Iā€™ve dropped, except 1 have germinated also. And I know what I did wrong to it. Itā€™s all fun though, even when the hiccups occur.

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Great to hear. I usually have a pretty good success rate with seeds so i think ill be able to get them all to pop. At least Im hoping. The etsy seeds ive had 100% success rate so far. The blueberry og seeds have a been different expercience. Ive never had so much trouble w/any type of seed before. I started with 5, and in the end only got 3 to germinate. Thats why the 2 in front are 2 weeks behind. Was supposed to be 4 blueberry og for this grow, but then one failed and i realized i dont have time for another fail so i started the 5th bbog along with 2 of the sativa. Ah well.

Im going on like week 5 or 6 trying to germinate the last one :joy: i got a tip of what looked like a tail a few weeks ago, but it stopped. The other seed that failed actually had a tap root, but when i went to pick it up, the taproot just fell off and i was using tweezers gently and was no where near that end. Bad genetics i guess. Will never buy from that company againā€¦way too expensive for a 60% germ rate.

Just to be clear for anyone who happens upon this thread, those blueberry og seeds were not from this site(ilgm)

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Ya I paid more than ILGM for an 80% guarantee. Called the place up and said I used distilled water, not spring water. Pssssh. Iā€™m still really fresh, itā€™s my first indoor and Iā€™ve harvested a couple outdoors, but I guess live and learn.

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What a load of crap. I always use distilled lol. Why does a seed care if it has minerals when its entirely dependent on the embryo. But like ya saidā€¦ya live ya learn. Lol

Do you have any threads on your current grow (if growing)?

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Ya itā€™s got more conversation and me asking stuff then anything else, really. I have one for my first couple plants outside as well and it reads like a psych evaluation lol. Had a whole bunch of crap happen during that one that Iā€™m sure made other growers think I needed Prozac.

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Lmao can you share it? Wouldnt mind being linked in any future grow threads too

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Not sure I did this right, but this is the copied link to my current grow. Iā€™m almost 5 weeks in. Flip in less than 3 because of tent spaceā€¦

Editā€¦ I messed up the link hang on lol

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@Pet_de_Chien I see you typing. Not sure how to post that and not have all the tags still in it.

So looking at the tall compactness that they are growing, Iā€™d start by isolating the outer branches and supercrop them towards the sidewalls and and work towards the interior, before i decided to prune anything. Goal in mind is to lower it overall and widen it to better utilize the light and produce more budsites.

@Borderryan22 not sure i understand what you meanā€¦you just want a link to a specific entry? like this@borderryans link


But trust me @ExoFly, mine are nothing, so far, compared to some of those tagged in my journal. Thereā€™s also some others here that have siiiiiiiick grows. You can click on the tracking button towards the bottom of threads, and select follow or watch. Watching will give you alerts for the topic selected

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Exactly like that lol. Not sure how to just post the link to it without putting half the topic and tagging everybody that may be tagged in it.

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