Black Gold Peat Blend

So I went to the hardware store and needed some peat moss for my lawn. They didn’t have any of the $7 bails of pure peat so I asked the cashier if they had any cuz I didn’t want to pay $50 for the same size bail of Black Gold for my lawn and she sold this to me for $7 @latewood @garrigan62

Can I use it for non-hydro Grow? Will I need cal mag if I’m using Dyna Grow?

Black gold is a fine brand, it is one of the pioneers in dirt but fox farm is awesome, I use strawberry fields, from them you cant beat it, coco cor added, it’s an old school blend by our parents, made for fruiting and flowering plants lol


You’ll need to add soil to your peat along with perlite and/or vermiculite.


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It has peat, composted bark, coco coir and perlite. I pretty much just use ffof so if I have to add that, I would rather use this for a big tomato bed I think. Not enough info on this brand yet for me.

3.8 cu ft for $7 bucks tho, if it isn’t bug infested and doesn’t cost more to supplement than what I am already doing that’s a small forest so the fixed income guy is screaming at me.

K so did some deeper research on this stuff. It not a new product at all. It’s just old Scott’s brand repackaged by the same folks that own Mirscle Grow now. In the reviews, they say it will work but i saw three reviews that said they got mites from it.

I will pass on lettin this anywhere near indoors. It will fill my outdoor pots and grow marigolds or something.