Bama's Happy Little Grow

Awesome. I was hoping it would work. I’m just kind of doing my own thing and making it up as i go.

That’s exactly what i want.

I can raise my lights up. I have 10 foot ceilings in the basement.

I’m using Canna aqua. I’ll flush every couple of weeks cause it’s kind of salty. But I’ve been very successful with it. Thinking about going over to jacks 321.

Here’s what I’ve come up with.

Do i just leave it running all the time?

Also, i have the lids for the containers. I just have to cut out a hole to fit the pots.

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That’ll work great…you’re in 70/30 right?.. I’d set my sprinkler for 1 gal. 3x’s a light cycle and try that for a couple days til you see if its enough…thats an excellent system…love the 10’ ceilings…you ever consider HID lights ?..they really need 10 ’ ceilings…when I can I’m moving my grow into the living room where yhe ceiling is 13’…thats gonna be wild …

What does this mean?

Is it ok just to leave it running? The pots are full of coco-coir.

I haven’t thought about the hid lights. I understand they’re expensive to run.

70% coir/30%perlite…if it runs all the time its gonna get waterlogged…my HID’S cost $40 each per month…I don’t know if you can get the same yield with LED …Im no expert with LED …I use the dbl.ended 1000watt w/ dimmers they actually go up to 1200watts. Put out crazy amount of light …rhey will grow :deciduous_tree:

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Yes, 70/30 coco. So i can’t leave it on 24/7. I do have 2 bubble stones running in the reservoir 24/7 to oxygenate as much as possible.

Yes to bubblers in the res…long as your coir never dries out completely…but you do want it to dry some between waterings to allow air to penetrate…

Gotcha. The way I’m set up right now it’s cycling the water at 15 gallons per hour. I’m thinking of setting it to my lighting schedule. 6 on 2 off 3 times a day.

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Are the two buckets hooked together or does the nutrient solution in the bucket on the right get trapped :thinking: seems like it comes out of one bucket goes to plants but the one plant drains into its own bucket :thinking:
What am i missing here :sweat_smile:

Ignore the bucket on the right. It’s a decoy.

The pump send the water from the Left bucket to the tips of the plants. The water runs through the coco choir and into the tub where it all drains by gravity back into the bucket on the left.

The system runs for 6 hours on & 2 hours off, 3 times a day.

So far, everything is doing good. It’s only been 24 hours but the plants are responding positively so far.

I also put the lids on the tubs to help with evaporation. I’ll eventually upgrade the tubs to larger dark ones.

Attached is how it looks right now.


It’s looks like a variation of a Dutch (Bato) bucket setup.
Lots of info online about these systems.
Another method is plumbing a bucket/s (5 gallon round, 8 gallon square, etc) directly to the pvc drain return, putting the coco in a painters mesh filter bag inside the bucket, and eliminating the catch-pans.

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Thanks. I plan to convert to a full soiless system. Right now i have a bunch of coco coir and nutrients i need to use up. So, I’m kind of just making it up as i go, lol. I want to use all of that stuff up and save some money.

But so far, the plants seem to really like this setup.

They are going thru 2 gallons of water a day right now. I’m sure some of that is evaporation, but the plants look very happy right now.

Time for research on the Dutch bucket. Thanks for that info.


Currently the pots are sitting on the bottom of the tubs. The tubs never drain fully. Should i put the pots on something to lift them up above the water when the system is draining? Or are they ok always being in the water?

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I would get the pots up off of the bottom of the tubs…but your system looks great…you gonna blZt off some grass up in there…

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I just put some risers under the pots. They will now sit in the water while pumping and sit just above the water while drained. I also added a much larger reservoir.

The plants seem to like this. The roots are already growing thru the bottom of the bags.
I’ve never had roots do that. This is only my sixth grow, so I’m really excited to see how this turns out.

They are drinking about 1/2 gallon each per day.

Ok so if the roots are coming thru the bags you would probly be wise to add airstones to your totes…your gonna have the best of both worlds…coco coir pot dwc…

I do have two air stones (bubblers) in the reservoir. Do i need them in the tubs with the plants as well?

Id say yes

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This is one of my little auto’s… Is she getting ready to flower? It’s been awhile and i don’t remember what she should look like lol.
She’s been above ground for about 5 weeks.

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Wow … shes so healthy and thick…beautiful…she looks like she’s getting pretty sexy…should see some pistils soon…first ones usually form in the crotches…nice job…quite excellent…thank you for sharing