Bama's Happy Little Grow

These are photo plants in a RDWC 6pot system with a 50 gal res. 33 gals solution…grew em till the space was full…14’×20’ room…

They will honestly get as big as you let them…the tallest were 60"…after topping and LST…I was wishing for more room…


That right there is the EXACT reason I want to try pure hydro. I want that massive yielding harvest.


You’re on the right track then…even tho it could have been more … the harvest there was 5lbs.

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You could if you used a grow bag stuffed in the net pot but the coco-coir and perlite would fall through by itself.
Expand clay pebbles is best because they can be reused over and over again but people use other stuff like rockwool or even dish washing sponges :sweat_smile:.

Technically coco-coir perilite is 100% hydroponics and the yeild from DWC hydroponics is not much if any better then high frequency fertigation using coco-coir and perlite or a constant feed system like autopots useing coco-coir and perlite.

Any of the many forms of hydroponics all yeild Significantly more then non-hydroponic methods, but done really stand out from each other as far as yeild or quality.

There is huge difference in the work put in or money spent, but yeilds not so much.
Hydro is hydro as far as yeilds go in most cases…

This is a 4x6 with 5 plants in coco-coir and perlite.
From a past journal.

And heres my current journal if you want see what I’m growing now, its all in coco-coir and perlite.

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Do you think it’s worth it to set up an automated drip system without runoff? I can do that for about $50 as a cheap starter.
Would that give me an increase in yield?

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Thats totally depending on your setup and how often you want to fertigate…when the plants are using alot , I like to water 3 times a light cycle which is about as much as I feel is healthy (in 5gal cloth pot 70/30)…but I flood em on a 15min. Timer to heavy runoff…the nute solution goes straight thru…down the table and back to reservoir…with this system I use 4’x8’ tables with kiddie pool resevoir (cuz they’re short, close to the ground,and easily hold 20 gals nutes) the plants are on drippers…over the tables are (2) 1000 watt dimmable HID’s…(2)600 watt would work just as well…hope this helps some …Good Growing


Then you’ll want something for a bigger root ball than a five gallon bucket. Only half-ish that volume is for roots in an RDWC.

I’m afraid of “no runoff” personally.
That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work but I would be afraid of salt/nutrient build up in the root zone.

A constant bottom feeding system like SIP or autopots don’t have runoff and there is salt/nutrient build up. But it builds up at the very top layers of growing medium as the water pushes it up from the bottom.
Since its at the top, it doesn’t effect the roots because they grow down…

Top feeding with no runoff would keep the salts pushed down into the root zone and probably cause issues…

If you just want try something cheap and fast, I’d suggest a SIP. There are lots of DIY designs online.

Heres one from 5gal buckets but totes or anything will work.
This is basically a home made autopot kinda.

I agree, salt build up is an issue I’ve only recently began to tackle. Last night i flushed 4 gallons of pure water through each plant for just this reason. The EC ended up at .4 with the PH right on target at 6.0.
The plants have already shown an improvement.

I’ll manually flush them until i design and build a drainage system for runoff capture and reuse.

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My grow room.


That’s something I hadn’t mentioned and I never read anywhere, but with any SIP or bottom feeding system, they are top feed at first till they establish roots and they once bottom feeding begins, it’s really important that nothing ever gets poured in the top.
If the system has been running and then it gets watered from top, its about a guarantee to create issues.

Found one of the SIP I made.
It had a cup in the center big hole that extended to the bottom of the black bucket.
It worked as intended but a larger bottom container/reservoir would have been way better.
Something like a large tote i think would be perfect, with an air stone in it :+1:

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Love the space :heart_eyes:
Hopefully one day I can finish my basement and get out of this spare room.
I have my breakers maxed out up here and theres plenty down there :sweat_smile:
It’s only half concrete and half dirt still so it’s ridiculously humid and dirty.
I just need to build 3 walls :sweat: I have 60amps power down there for my stuff. Just no time to do it and to poor to pay someone to do it :sweat_smile:

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Im outta :heart: growmies…excellent conversation loaded with great ideas…awesome village…


I’ve decided to go this route. Since I’m already using coco i might as well stay with it, for now.

I’ll eventually graduate to a pure hydro system. But for now I’m going to enjoy the adventure.

I have the sprinkler heads set to a 1/8 gallon per minute. With 2 heads in each pot that gives me a 1/4 gallon per minute.

Now i just need to get the drain pan set up so i can water to 25% run off.

I’m thinking about watering at a 1/3 gallon every 8 hours. My lights are on a 6/2 light schedule so that would water right before the lights come on.

Anyone out there that’s using something similar or anyone that knows more than me (all of you) what’s your feedback on a proper watering schedule?

:heart: the setup but not sure what you are asking…I use GH nutes so the system is fertigation…at this stage you would mix for aggressive vegetation…I think your schedule sounds in order…monitor daily …adjust as needed…keep your ph/ppm within parameters…good to grow…

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Thanks for the encouragement. As for the watering, I’m pretty sure I’m just over thinking it. I do that a lot.

I made a huge error a coupler of days ago.
I flushed each pot with 4 gallons of water. I forgot to check the PH and was 7.7. I run my pots at 6.0.

My plants are mad me.

Yep that will sure piss em off…good thing is they are tough and will get over it…I wet my outdoor grass with water straight out the hose (well water) that ph’s 7.1 then mix 20 gallons of nutes ph at 5.8 and flood the pots about a gal. each…seems to be working

anything but orthodox…

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In the picture below the red arrows show the direction of water. From the reservoir to the top of each plant. Water drains and fills the containers. Water then flows back into the reservoir to make another cycle.

Is this ok?
What kind of issues will i have?

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@Bamarayne the setup will work fine…I’ve run top feed systems…get ready for explosive growth…don’t let them outgrow the space…give them cal- mag…looks like you have good height, whaats the measurement from top of bucket to max. height of plant allowing for light spacing? Also you might want to just plan on flushing ,say 1/2 to 3/4 of the way thru the grow to eliminate salt buildup…What nutes will you be using ? I can recommend GH nutes…looking good…