Aw crap broke a branch

I went to move my lst a bit and broke the top of my WWA 26 days in, think topping. It didn’t come off. I propped it back into place. When I’ve done this in the past with photo outdoor grows I would prop in place and coat with honey. This is my first indoor auto should I coat with honey,or tape, wire and hope for best. Clip it and clone? I’m a bit passed off and mildly heart broken :smiling_face_with_tear: have time to recover? I’d hate to scrap and start new.
Any suggestions?

Duct tape and it will likely be just fine.


Yep. Touch of honey an tape should be good.


I use black electrical tape, but they actually make a garden tape I saw an ad for it lol I didn’t click it so I don’t know what makes it garden


Just bought organic unfiltered honey. I have garden tape. I used it for my peppers and tomatoes. Kinda gotta wrap tight to make it “stick” I have greenhouse wire holding the top in place and I think the honey will help as well.
Thanks guys


One more thing … the humidity is around 55% should I bump it up or spritz with water to see if it bounces back. Wilted pretty quick since this a.m.

I’ve had really good luck just duck taping and making sure pressure is taken off the break point. If it was the top cola - I’d consider some old school twine - loop it around the cola and tie it up to the ceiling so weight on break point is minimal. If it is not disconnected - it should heal. I leave it on until harvest. :handshake:

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Not a lot of weight. Maybe top 3-4" ITS 26 Days from seed in soil. I’ll try putting ahead gauge wire in and tie the piece to it as you suggest keeping the weight off

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Checked this a.m. top is lost. Didn’t recover. I tied down other branches. :crossed_fingers: first auto and testing boundaries unintentionally.

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Stay positive @BakedDog :v:t3:

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Honey and medical tape if you have it. Allows it to breathe while it heals. I dropped my carbon filter ontop on my WW and split main stalk straight down the middle and she healed up. She will be smaller than others due to recovery energy used(if its an auto) but will be fine.

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Yeah tried those thanks. This one wasn’t coming back. It is an auto, my first, ive done many photos if it was, it would had it coming :slightly_smiling_face: its now in day 27 so I’m hoping recovery won’t be an issue or over all size.

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