Autoflowers watering

I planted to lemon diesel auto’s . first of all i over watered them. They are 4 weeks old and about ten inches high. Idk much about autos. Am i suppose to change light timers?
They are planted in ffof and happy frog mixed with 30% perlite. Im using a led 2800w led. Temp is 80 and hum 50. Idk how tall they get. They are in a 3x3x6 tent. Good ventilation. My only problem is over watering. They were light so i watered them but i guess a little too much. Please help…:blush:

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@Kyliegirl146, welcome to the forum, idk, but you could let them dry out :slight_smile:

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I agree with @Zee they don’t look that bad I would let the soil dry out. Then don’t water until you can feel a couple inches of dry soil at the top.


I watered them bc they were drooping some and dirt was dry. Im trying to figure out away not to over water them. I put extra fans. Its harder w fabric pots. Now im trying to figure out if i change timer. But i dt think so.they are 18/6…im stoned and rattling


If you overwatered them definitely no more water. Unfortunately over watering and under watering have similar traits. When you know for a fact they are dry pick up the pot so you have a good idea of the weight sonuiu can use that to judge in the future. What time schedule are they on now? 18 hrs is fine… 12 hours is fine as well for autos. They do what they want. LoL I’ve seen many cut it to 12 hours when they get to flower, save on electricity and equipment.

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I have mine in fabric pot and water from the bottom that way the soil will only take as much as it needs. I have mine in Kind soil though and I’m not using any nutrients. You’ll eventually get a feel for how much water by lifting the pot. If it’s really light it’s time to water.

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Mine are in fabric pots maybe ill try bottom feeding. Mine are in fox farm happy frog mixed with ocean forest and 30% extra perlite. Is 18/6 ok for autos’s they havent started flowering yet. Does anybody

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Does anybody have any idea when flowering is suppose to start? They will b five weeks old next monday.

Most of my autos started flowering between 3 to 5 weeks.
But I have had some go longer.
18/6 is fine. I have used 14/10 for a year with no negative effect. Many use 12/12 with no problems.
Yours are looking very good. Try to avoid constant changes, they do like consistency.


I havent changed pots or nothing they grew alot over nite


Mine started flowering at week 5-6. The top of your plant looks like it’s preflower from what I can see. You’ll notice the internodes start to develop and grow as it moves into flower. Mine stalled for a little while when it was transitioning but now it’s growing very rapidly.

Are ur lights on all the time?

I have my lights on 18/6. I did have them on 24/0 when it was a seedling. Mine were about the size of yours when I switched to 18/6.

Here are some recent pics of my plant.

Im started a white widow reg fem seed. Im gonna learn how to train like ur video. I dt have much to do w virus bull. So i teach my gkid school and learn how to do different training and clipping methods. I didnt do anything to these bc my friend said to leave them alone bc not enough to recover. So i didn’t. But usually i top it early.

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