Help with 45 day old autos

Hey guys so the grow was going good until i ran into some deteriorating leaves and light tips on my girls im trying to figure out if its a watering, environment, or light. I have 2 250w lights at 33” above with cooling fans my soil is happy frog with added coco(70/30) and perlite. Nutrients added was all purpose 4-6-2 and bio live 5-4-2 with microhaze. They are in one gallon pots i do plan on transplanting them into 3 gallons for the flower , do you think they are affected by the pot size? I’ve never ran into this


The lower leafs come and go growmie. No worries in then. The last 3 pics just look like they got wet and have started to dry up to me


Recommend transplanting autos around 14-20 days above ground as their flower cycle kicks in around days 45-60 above ground and you don’t need transplant set backs during the transition :love_you_gesture:


Ordinarily I’d say you’re at a nitrogen threshold/limit due to those tips and the dark dark green coloration but the majority of your leaves look fine. The term ‘painted nails’ refers to an even tip burn (your tips aren’t painted) and my thought on this is you’ve reached their threshold for nitrogen uptake so don’t increase N.

When you feed do you ever get the feed solution splashed onto any of those damaged leaves? Another thought was possibly wind burn damage possibly?
Just thinking out loud here. Good luck. :+1:t2:


Hey so this is a little bit of what roots I’m dealing with i just transplanted into 3 gals and i did it dry with microhaze how much water should i give them water contains only b2 [grid]



I would saturate them to the point where it’s draining out the bottom. Do it slowly so the soil doesn’t behave hydrophobicly and just run straight out. I like to water about a 1/3 of my intended amount and then come back in 10-15 and finish. I feel like I get better overall retention of the total amount, less waste.
Then I wouldn’t water again until the plant feels light and dry when you lift it. Don’t be afraid of a moderate wilt, cannabis fairs very well and recovers amazingly quick from wilt conditions.


That’s for dropping the knowledge :relieved: i will in fact run it through and wait

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